Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why is Hollywood Pandering to Racist Trump Supporters? The Truth About the Black Panther Movie (Video/Language Alert)



By Reader-Researcher RC


Paul Joseph Watson
Published on Feb 16, 2018

1 comment:

  1. Is this guy Mark Steyn Jr?Funny,the only people that seem to have the freedom to state the facts about how effed up the US is--are Brits!!!
    (Just looked it up--and Steyn is Canadian,but he SOUNDS British--close enough).
    Take 2:Okay,it appears,only foreigners can get away with pointing out the USA's downhill slide,with no retribution--namely being labeled a racist by the left,a kind of newly hatched "scarlet letter".What good does that do for America--as a country--when its own citizens can't speak the truth,without an online inquisition and virtual lynching on FB and Twitter (or media blogsite).Maybe if we all learn to talk with a British accent,we can get away with "free speech" like we're supposed to.
    ---GR Anonymous
