Sunday, December 10, 2017

What Best Motivates Watch Dogs? Comic Photoessay


A tip 'o the hate to An Old Friend.

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    Foxnews, despite it's more conservative bent, still plays the "chaperone" (if you don't mind me using your catchword) game when reporting on serial killers. With the emergence of yet another black serial killer, Tampa Bay killer Howell Donaldson III:
    Behind the scenes damage control machinery went into action. Immediately after Donaldson was arrested Fox ran a feature lead story on the Zodiac killer with a "white male" composite sketch as a headline image. Zodiac has never been caught and is "profiled" to be a white man, but since all serial killers are profiled as white and 75% of modern serial killers are black I'll take those profiles with a big grain of salt. I had recently sent a comment about the Zodiac being featured at the same time as the breaking Tampa Bay story, and wouldn't you know it, today I spot a big glaring photo on the Foxnews headlines of white serial killer Todd Kolhepp:
    Right below the Kolhepp story, though his face is not featured on the top page like Kolhepp's, is a story on the current black Tampa Bay serial killer. Wow. They just can't run a story about a current black serial killer without having a yesterday's news white serial killer to distract. If you go there right now you can see the two stories together on Fox's lead page:
