Monday, October 02, 2017

Video: Hillary Clinton Speech on “Super-Predators”

Reposted by Nicholas Stix

There are various reasons for re-posting this video:

1. It shows the sensible views Hillary Clinton once had on race and crime;
2. It shows the despicable racism of Cenk Uygur, who supports ultra-violent felons, as long as they’re black; and
3. It reminds us of how fetching Hillary C. once was.

Who is the real Hillary? The one who, 20-odd years ago condemned super-predators, or the one who later embraced them? Answer: Neither. The real Hillary Clinton is a woman who will say anything at any time that she finds politically expedient.

“This Video SHOULD Cost Hillary Clinton The Black Vote”

The Young Turks
Published on Feb 15, 2016

“WATCH Hillary Clinton's racist ‘super predators’ speech. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks breaks down the speech and what Clinton really meant. Tell us what you think in the comment section below…. ‘Is Hillary Clinton really the kind of candidate who will rally progressives and the black community behind her when she refers to urban youth as “super predators” with “no conscience, no empathy”?’ She suggests that rather than trying to understand how poverty and social exclusion may have led children to make certain choices, it is more important to first ‘bring them to heel.’ That’s ‘heel’ with an ‘e,’ not ‘heal’ with an ‘a.’ Hillary is talking about using the full force of the law to drive these children into submission.’”*

[N.S.: I couldn’t find any footnote to match the asterisk.]

“She suggests that rather than trying to understand how poverty and social exclusion may have led children to make certain choices, it is more important to first ‘bring them to heel.’”

One of the giveaways of evilists is their use of the word “children,” when speaking of violent, black and Hispanic felons who are teenagers and adults.

We’re talking about criminals, whose typical day consists of their committing one violent felony after another—robbery, rape, maiming and murder. “Poverty and social exclusion” do not lead anyone to commit such crimes. They do not lead whites and Asians to commit them. And poor blacks do not suffer from “social exclusion,” at all, in contrast to poor, young whites and Asians. They are the darlings of government, who enjoy countless, billion-dollar welfare “programs,” whose staffers (like their “parents”) encourage them to commit ever more grisly crimes against whites.

“Bring them to heel”: The alternative to bringing violent felons to heel, is to encourage them, which is the social policy that political leaders have for over 50 years lavished on young, black criminals, and which Cenk Uygur obviously supports. What on earth is wrong with bringing violent felons to heel?

“Hillary is talking about using the full force of the law to drive these children [sic] into submission.”*

Of course, you want to drive them into submission. Either we drive them into submission, or they force law-abiding citizens to submit to the Rule of Crime.

When evilists like Cenk Uygur say “understand,” they mean forgive and support.

Really understanding racist super-predators means grasping and acknowledging how generations of genetic decline (low-IQ and VQ people reproducing above the replacement rate of 2.1, while high-IQ and VQ reproduce below replacement rate) combined with a culture in which children are taught that it is virtuous to hate and harm whites.

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