Sunday, October 01, 2017

This is Why Millions of Whites Refuse to Watch Movies in Theaters: “Woman Attacked after Asking Teens to ‘be Quiet’ in Movie”; Meanwhile, CBS Denver “Reporter” Supports Racist, Black Thug


Heather Piper

By A Texas Reader

“I said, ‘What are you doing? What’s wrong with you?’ And she lost it. She started hitting me again and then started crying saying, ‘Well, you called me ghetto,'” Piper said. CBS Denver asked Piper if she used those words in the theater and she said she …

N.S. CBS Denveractivist Kelly Werthmann insinuated that Heather Piper somehow deserved to be the victim of a racially motivated hate crime.

At CBS Denver.

Colorado Woman Attacked After Asking Teens to be Quiet in Movie Theater

A Colorado mother was hospitalized after she was assaulted outside a movie theater.

ATR: Chigger rhymes with "ghetto."


  1. The comments from the "Denver Post" are eye-opening.More people are hip to what blacks are doing to whites than I thought.Now we need action against the media,locally and nationally,through organized boycotts and protests,followed by political pressure on local and national governments to enforce the law with regards to black crime,Judging from the people in Denver,the frustration is increasing,Where is the boiling point is?That is the question of the century.

  2. Where is the boiling point what I meant to say.

  3. Disgusting. The woman mentions that she didn't defend herself because she has a foster child. Who is insane here? Although if she had defended herself 20 savages would have jumped in. Animals. I hope they charge the perpetrator as a an adult.

  4. Exactly. I avoid movie theaters, shopping malls, street festivals and free music events because of the black presence. I learned the hard way to not attend any film, poetry or community events that have any black overtones. Blacks have made NYC public transportation an absolute nightmare.

  5. jerry pdx
    Could there be a more appropriately named negro? 29 yr. old Georgetown bank teller Phelon (yes, that's his first name) Davis steals 185K cash from a homeless man who deposited it in the bank he was working at. That's a phelony (sorry, couldn't help myself). His parents must have been prescient. No mention in the story about what a homeless man was doing with that much money, or why he was homeless when he had that much. Here is a picture of the perp:


  6. " Anonymous said...

    Exactly. I avoid movie theaters, shopping malls, street festivals and free music events because of the black presence. I learned the hard way to not attend any film, poetry or community events that have any black overtones. Blacks have made NYC public transportation an absolute nightmare."

    -Believe it or not, NYC is much improved over the way things were a generation or so ago.

  7. This is why I almost exclusively go to the movies in theaters that cater to white tastes. I enjoy film-going very much, but I refuse to let my experience be ruined by that stupid and amoral black race. To the negro, every request or complaint to them to stop behaving badly, however nicely put, is something "done" to them. They are the essence of the criminal narcissist personality.

    Frankly, if it were legal, I would advocate barring all black entry into multiplexes.
