Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Strangely Great! Roy Moore Beats Luther Strange in Alabama GOP Senatorial Run-Off! Trump Bet on Wrong Horse, Backing Strange, but Moore May Just Save Trump from Himself (and His Daughter)

By Nicholas Stix

Donald Trump blew it big time, in Alabama. He supported RINO Luther Strange who, had he won, would have stabbed Trump in the back, against Justice Roy Moore, who supports Trump’s politics, or at least the politics to which Trump paid lip-service, in order to win the GOP nomination and the general election.

Strange was the incumbent, by virtue of being appointed to the seat that Jeff Sessions had vacated, in order to be suckered by Trump into serving as the latter’s attorney general. When Sessions last ran for re-election in 2011, he ran unopposed.

Roy Moore is arguably the second-most popular man in Alabama, the first being Jeff Sessions. Moore had been elected chief justice to the Alabama Supreme Court, but was deposed over his installation of a 5,000-pound granite Ten Commandments statue in the State Supreme Court.

It was foolish for Trump to support Strange, because Moore was true to Trump’s professed politics, and because Trump had nothing to gain by getting involved in the race. All the President did was gratuitously betray his base for the umpteenth time.

Moore also went up against an anti-Trump, GOP machine that had millions of dollars more than he could raise.

Alabama is so rock-ribbed Republican that winning the Republican nomination is tantamount to winning the election.

Unlike Moore, I am not a Christian, nor am I passionate about abortion, but I was passionately hoping he would win. That is because he is an unyielding, intolerant titan of conservative principles. Unlike the national GOP, which has bent over for homosexual activists, Moore has tenaciously fought the queering of America. He was removed from office as the state’s chief judge over his move to install a wall of the Ten Commandments on public land.

Strange supporter Karl Rove responded earlier tonight on Dana Perino’s Fox News show, “Roy Moore beat him fair and square, and whupped him well.”

Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and foreigner Nigel Farage all stumped for Moore.

In campaigning for Moore, they were campaigning both for and against Trump, because there are at least two Donald Trumps. There’s the America First Trump whom patriots elected, and the neocon tool that has repeatedly betrayed his base, and who supported Luther Strange.


  1. And we got a bonus: Bob Corker, honorary member of the Gang of Eight (along with John Hoeven) is now retiring!

    Biggest threat now - stopping Corker from going all lame duck kamikazamnesty in his remainaing 15 months.

    Corker and Hoeven will always be associated first and foremost with the Corker-Hoeven amendment to me.

  2. Welcome back.Any thoughts on the Negro Football League controversy?I watched the owners cave into to nig ingrates time after time.Even Jerry Jones said "Bwana" to his players--AFTER commenting that he would not "stand for kneeling."
    I'm sure the blacks told the owners,"If you don't show your support for us,we won't give 100%."
    So Jones and Kraft and the rest lubed up and took it from their loyal rich black players.Why did they?Apperances.Keep the status quo.Avoid more strife.
    Too late for that.
    And Trump says it's "not racial."
    Of course it is,but not by him--by the Africans AGAINST whites.More to come I'm sure.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. When I heard that line last night--it's "not racial"--I turned to my chief of research and said, "Of course, it's racial!"

    I tol;d the folks at the bagel deli this morning, "It's going to be a long fall and winter, without the NFL," I got murders. While sitting outside, eating my bagel, and chatting with a old codger (74), a middle-aged white lady came out and said, "There won't be an NFL, in ten years." Someone said they were fools to start in with Trump.

  4. Grand Rapids Anonymous

    "Welcome back."

    Am I ever glad to be back, and sleeping in my own bed! I don't travel well.

  5. Hi Nicholas,

    Did you and your wife make it back to Trinidad? Just curious.

