Saturday, September 16, 2017

Narrative Collapse in St. Louis: Hero Cop Jason Stockley, Not to be Confused with a Richard Gere Movie Character, Exonerated

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Note that Jason Stockley actually was exonerated, unlike the Central Park Five, who never were.

Since 2012, the New York Times and its communist allies have lied in asserting the five racist thugs who beat Trisha Meili almost to death were "exonerated." Their sentences were vacated, based on conspiracy to obstruct justice by Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau and his co-conspirators, but they were never exonerated.

Hero Cop Jason Stockley Exonerated Like George Zimmerman

Friday, September 15, 2017

Narrative collapse took another bullet, figuratively. Hero cop Jason Stockley, unjustly accused of planting a throw down gun on a violent black thug, was found not-guilty in a bench trial in St. Louis today. Blacks immediately rioted, as usual.
Thirteen people were arrested during protests Friday in downtown St. Louis after a judge found former police officer Jason Stockley not guilty of first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of black motorist Anthony Lamar Smith.
Four police officers were assaulted, with one treated for a hand injury, officials said.

Soon after the verdict, protesters and activists gathered outside the courthouse to voice displeasure. Some could be seen locking arms and praying together, while others held signs, chanting, "No justice, no peace."
[Protests Erupt After Ex-Cop Jason Stockley Found Not Guilty In Black Man's Death, By Dakin Andone and Faith Karimi, CNN, September 15, 2017]

Stockley was only charged because he was a heterosexual, white, cis-gendered male, just as all the police officers or civilians charged for shooting black criminals in self-defense were, whether it was Darren Wilson, [white-enough] George Zimmerman, Daniel Pantaleo, or Timothy Loehmann. In fact, the case against Stockley was taken not from the facts of the case, but from prosecutors and racist Black activists, who took a scene from an 90s movie, Internal Affairs, where corrupt Los Angeles Police Department officers plant a switchblade on a suspect who was shot by a trigger happy cop.

Richard Gere, Prototype for the Obama Regime War on Cops

Similarly, Border Patrol Agent Lonnie Schwartz remains under the gun for shooting a rock throwing Mexican drug smuggler. It was recently revealed that the Obama Regime prosecutors were covering up exculpatory evidence and aided in perpetrating lies about the drug smuggler as just some kid walking home from the store. It was revealed that the government knew that Elena Rodriguez was not an innocent bystander but actively throwing rocks at Schwartz and other law enforcement officers, but those government officials misled the public about Rodriguez and provided access for Rodriguez' mother to enter the United States to spread that lie, a lie she told to investigating government agents.

It is time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to drop charges against Schwartz and end the campaign against law enforcement officers protecting themselves and others from armed black and Hispanic criminals.

1 comment:

  1. If indeed these police or persons such as Zimmerman did commit some sort of crime, the prosecutors have a bad habit of way over-charging for whatever the offense. They don't get a conviction or a plea because the case is on shaky grounds to begin with. And I am not saying the police or Zimm were guilty of anything. Just that if they want a case to be sound they must charge correctly. And in the hysteria of the moment they do not.
