Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Get a Taste of the Fresh, Hot, Hate Crime Hoax at the University of Michigan! The Second This Month Already! (The Weather’s Beautiful for Marches)


Black supremacist, Garveyite blood and soil flag. Marcus M. Garvey (1887-1940) maintained that both Mussolini and Hitler were his imitators, and that he was the true founder of fascism.

By Reader-Researcher RC

The doors to the rooms of three black students at the University of Michigan were vandalized over the weekend with racist slurs, according to the school’s Black Student Union.

N.S.: Facebook has improved upon its censorship regime. First, it kicked people like me on its Enemies’ List off the platform, such that we could read FB comments at Websites using FB, but not comment. Now, it has extended the censorship blocking its enemies from even reading most comments.

What Facebook does is show a certain, limited number of comments, but require that one log in to see any beyond that. (“Load 10 more comments.”)

Since the majority of commenters (7-4) oppose the hoax, just imagine what the numbers would be like, if Facebook hadn’t rigged the commenting.

Tony Engelberg [Notorious, mindless racist.]
Holly, Michigan
Amazing how open people are commenting supporting and excusing racism... Of course most do it hiding behind fake profiles...

Rich Johnston
Fake story. So some person skulked around in the middle of the night to write a racist statement on these three doors. Don't believe it. Done to create havic.

Tony Engelberg ·
Holly, Michigan
Richard Spencer loves you

Adam Andrews
I don't ever recall a white student union...

Richard Fink ·
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
If "racism has no place" at UM, then why is there a black students' Union and affirmative action?

Catherine Malick Ploughman ·
Detroit, Michigan
Welcome to Trumpworld...and the unltra Nazi republicans....

Julie M Phillips ·
Waterford, Michigan
Umm, is there a white students union too?

Tony Engelberg ·
Holly, Michigan
Reach out to Richard Spencer and find out

Robert Elkins
The "writer" of the story is so blinded by his own misperception that the ONLY things he saw painted on the rock was what he wanted to see.
Did they whitewash (oops) the rock before painting it with only (as the writer spews) racist terms?
Once again it seems the truth and objectivity dies when selling papers.

John Fish ·
Works at Self-Employed
This is stupid on a number of levels.

Aloysius Xavier Hailey ·
Business Director at Sobriety House, Inc
Yep these comments were what I expected!

Terry Perkins ·
Langston High School

I live in another state now , and people here believe that the Michigan students are the most intelligent people second to none. Michigan we are the solution. Let's solve the problem

Chris Widdick ·
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Et Management

Just like the fake story of someone unrinating on a prayer rug in a U of M mulsim prayer room.

Greg Starky ·
Ann Arbor, Michigan

As there have been things like this done in the past by those who reported it, it is a legitiment question. Likely not, but calling anyone who dares to disagree with you a racist pretty well proves you are a racist.

At the Detroit News.



  1. jerry pdx
    17 yr. old black football player Marco Brewer is accused of rape of an incapacitated girl at a party, he vehemently denies the accusation, as they all do. Notice his defiant expression in the photo, after all he's another "falsely accused black man". He was attending school in central Oregon but now has transferred to Grant High School in Portland. Great...just what we need, another negro rapist in town, as if we don't have enough already. http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/index.ssf/2017/09/marco_brewer_a_ucla_football_c.html#incart_river_home

  2. jerry pdx
    Insanity in Portland City Hall and the police dept. An unholy alliance between the Mayor and new police chief has led to the police bureau to "halt and purge all gang designations". http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/09/portland_police_to_halt_purge.html#incart_2box_crime
    Yes, no more tracking gang affiliations and all records are to be purged. How many years of work are going down the drain here? First a little background, our latest Mayor is named Ted Wheeler, he is a extreme left liberal and diversity fanatic, and he has declared Portland to be a sanctuary city, without the consent of most of the citizens of course. Recently he appointed a new police chief, a black woman named Danielle Outlaw, all sorts reasonings have been put out by his PR people, all of which boil down to appeasing the black community, though it's never stated directly.
    http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/08/next_portland_chief_told_offic.html This is one of their first big moves though no doubt there will be more.

    I could go on for pages about this but it's all summed up in the comments field of the article. I couldn't put it any better than the readers, 99% of whom are calling out the city on this lunacy. The one thing I will say is that I have no doubt this "no longer recognizing gang affiliations policy" only applies to black and hispanic gangs, possibly asian also. They'll still track "white supremacist" "white motorcycle gangs", probably by defining them as anti government type organizations, not "gangsters".

  3. Wake up white people.
    Jerry,it's time to move.My area has the same problem,a wacko liberal mayor.The increase in blacks(and proportionately,black criminals)in Grand Rapids,is leading to events like the mass vandalism,that occurred near my home ,which I'm sure are being committed by blacks driving around in am hours.
    (FOX NEWS)GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - More than 40 people on the city's Northwest side woke up Monday to find their vehicles with broken windows.

    So far, GRPD says they have 44 reports of malicious destruction of property in this 'rash of vandalism.' Lt. Terry Dixon says the suspects used a BB gun to shoot out car windowns sometime between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., saying the suspects could face felony charges depending on the dollar amount.

    Several posts were made to the We Are Westsiders Facebook page Monday morning. Damage is reported on McReynolds, between 6th and 7th Street, 4th Street between Lane and Fremont, along 11th, 1st, & 4th street and Pine. Covell & Lake michigan and Dick & McDonald also reported damage. Neighbors in those areas say they don't feel safe anymore.
    GRA:These are all walking distances from my house,though I sure as hell wouldn't walk to those streets(Covell and Lake Michigan excepted.The rest is ghetto area).
    Also, at least one FOX 17 staff member's vehicle is damaged as well. Police do not have any workable leads, if you have any details please call GRPD or Silent Observer at (616) 774-2345.
    GRA:It might be time to begin looking elsewhere,for a whiter area to live.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. "Recently he appointed a new police chief, a black woman named Danielle Outlaw"

    How appropriately named for a police chief, is it not!

  5. Fish, Engelberg, Fink, probably Ploughman.

    Red Diaper babies. Nicholas knows.


  6. To: GR Anonymous
    I couldn't agree more, except I don't know if there's anyplace left in the US that hasn't been saturated with "minorities". I was driving through Washington state and noticed a lot of African and Middle Eastern looking people, it turns out there are forces in the state that feel it's "too white" and they need to bring in more "immigrants". Here is an article about how Washington has been targeted by the diversity fanatics:

    The link below it to an interview with one of the front line soldiers in the war against white America. Traitor Kelly Clements is deputy high commissioner for refugees for the UN. She makes it clear her purpose in life is to ship as many black and Muslim people to the US. The two people interviewing her are a black man and another blonde white woman. No surprise there. The UN along with the EU are the two largest catalysts for this mass transfer of 3rd worlders to the West, one has to wonder where their financing and ideology ultimately come from.


  7. "I was driving through Washington state and noticed a lot of African and Middle Eastern looking people"

    Correct and everywhere in the U.S. I have been driving and visiting the nation the length and breadth for the last five years and the same everywhere.
