Friday, September 22, 2017

Charlottesville’s “total Communist takeover”: The Jason Kessler VDARE Interview, Part III

NS: So now, you live in the area?

JK: I mean, I have. I’m probably going to end up moving.

NS: But the last, since May 13th or so, you were living in the area.

JK: Yeah, I’ve lived there for like 12 years. I was born here.

NS: Now, these people who were following you, not the reporters, they get paid to do that. But the mobs, that you say were following you around and terrorizing you, do you have any idea who these people are, and where they’re from?

JK: Yeah, I mean there’s a lot of these groups in Charlottesville now, there’s been a total Communist takeover, but they started out with this group SURJ, Showing Up for Racial Justice. There was an incident with them and Virginia gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart.

Corey Stewart has made preserving the monuments one of his key issues, and he came to Lee Park, and they harassed him, they took a bullhorn and stuck it in his ear and were screaming at him, just terrible things, and then since then, they’ve been joined in by UVA professors like there’s one lady,
Jalane Schmidt, who I think does Afro-Cuban history, I think, but she focuses on like slavery and oppression, and she just really, really, hates white people (chuckles).

[Jalane Schmidt identifies herself as a Black Lives Matter activist.]

She’s just one of many.

There’s also this guy, Jeffrey Vogel, this attorney. Social justice so-called attorney, and he works hard to get Antifa, Black Lives Matter, all these people free, regardless. And he was running for commonwealth attorney, which is the district attorney for the area. And he participated in one of these mobs, one time, where me and my friends were hanging out at a bar called Miller’s. And this guy showed up, and he and his friends sat down in the restaurant, and pretended that they were just there to be customers, but they were watching us and spreading information about where we were, and soon we had a mob of like 20 or 30 people, chanting, and disrupting business, and screaming, and all this stuff.

Eventually, this guy Jeff Vogel ended up getting violent with one of our people. He pushed him, and so (chuckles) that’s the way it goes around here.

NS: So, I take it that his candidacy for commonwealth attorney didn’t go anywhere.

JK: Well, he didn’t win.

“The Charlottesville Nightmare: Part I of the VDARE Interview of Unite the Right Demonstration Organizer, Jason Kessler”;

“Have Charlottesville ‘Reporters’ been Co-Conspirators with Violent Communists and Anarchists? The Jason Kessler VDARE Interview, Part II”;

“Paranoia and PsyOps: The Jason Kessler VDARE Interview, Part IV”;

“Doing Everything by the Book: The Jason Kessler VDARE Interview, Part V”; and

“Does Charlottesville Defendant Chris Cantwell Have a Defense Attorney, or is He being Prosecuted from Both Sides of the Courtroom? Read This Weird Interview.”

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