Saturday, September 30, 2017

Black Supremacist NAACP Boss: “We’re trying to heal a nation”

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat

“We’re trying to heal a nation, and with more and more of these going up, it’s a continuous slap in the face,” said Benard Simelton, president of the NAACP’s Alabama conference. “These Confederate generals and soldiers committed acts of treason. They fought…


1 comment:

  1. The nation was perfectly healthy until blacks invaded our cities.It's a black cancer that's metastasized and run amok.The doctors(liberals) cure for this disease is to weaken the patient until the cancer takes over.But similarly to real cancer,the cancer cells die along with the patient and when whites "die" as leaders of this country,the black cancer will perish as well--with many causes possible:A China/Russia invasion(with blacks in charge,it would be easy),a complete disintegration of technological progress and ingenuity(the reason our country stayed ahead of the world was the fact that whites constantly pushed for advancements in all major economic,technological and scientific areas).Another scenario:The economy would collapse from the weight of black debt and no work ethic.
    The patient needs a second opinion on how to cure the illness--and quickly.Is there a doctor in the (White) house?
    --GR Anonymous
