Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Police Have to Ask

By Reader-Researcher A.L.

"President Donald Trump is complimenting the Boston police on Twitter for their handling of the rallies minutes before the police department tweeted asking people to stop throwing items at them.

Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon, 'Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston. Police are looking tough and smart! Thank you.'

Trump also complimented Boston's Democratic Mayor Marty Walsh.

Boston Police Department tweeted shortly after that urine, rocks and bottles were being thrown at officers and were asking people to refrain from doing so."
The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask. The police have to ask.

The cops are having urine, rocks, and bottles thrown at them and they have to ask folks to stop.

They have to ask. This country is doomed. One of these days it is going to fall apart, all in one big mess.


    Watching 3 minutes of "Face the Nation" today,"Dick"erson had 2 black guests on (what a surprise).One black was in charge of a group "reaching out to white supremacists who want to change their ways."The other,a black female,pushed for the destruction of pre 1865 era statues.
    "We can't celebrate these people.History will not be erased,it will be taught in schools."
    Does anyone believe that?Even Dickerson smirked and winked at that lie.
    This Love Trumps Hate theme is a total misnomer.Love is actually the acceptance of the Democratic party philosophy(anti-white),while hate is the opposition thereof.
    From MY point of view,anyone defending the rights of white people is love,and those against whites are hateful.
    Whites against whites are as confused mentally as an LGBT.This is not normal.I've said it before,any white who has lived next to a black or Mexican,like I have,would never want one around again.
    That's not HATE,that's LOVE---of law,peace and quiet,good neighborhoods and a better life.
    --GR Anonymous

    The comments are hilarious,as usual
