Saturday, August 26, 2017

President Trump Must Have Done Something Right, When He Pardoned Sheriff Joe, Because Guess Who’s Attacking Him for It?



By A Texas Reader

McCain critical of president's pardon of Arpaio | WJLA

PHOENIX (AP) U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona is voicing his displeasure at President Donald Trump's pardon of the former Phoenix metro area sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of a misdemeanor contempt-of-court charge for defying a judge's orders that...

ATR: The Grim Reaper is lurking around McCain’s house.


  1. jerry pdx
    Yet another negro high school rapist:
    Brewer is 17 which makes him technically a minor but his picture is being published, which means he has voluntarily gone public though details of his "alleged" crime have not been released. He's performing as the falsely accused black martyr here, note the "I'm the victims of persecution" expression on his face, you see it all the time on blacks playing the fake victim game. OK, no details so do we really know if he's guilty? No, but we notice the astronomically high percentage of sexual assaults with blacks being involved and the way our media ignores it.

  2. Sheriff Joe was ELECTED by the people and did a very good job for a long time. Those methods he used were deemed so harsh but really trivial and in some cases a godsend to the inmates young guys not having to serve in lock up with hardened criminals. Much hullabaloo was made of the means and methods of Sheriff Joe. Good luck to him.

  3. Agree about McCain.Neither man nor ship is functioning well this week.McCain the man--since he lost his presidential bid,has not been the same.
