Monday, August 14, 2017

President Trump and Attorney General Sessions Have Surrendered to the DPUSA and MSM on Charlottesville


Mug shot of designated white man scapegoat, James Alex Fields Jr. DPUSA and GOP authorities alike, including AG Jeff Sessions, seek to vitiate the rule, “It’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.”

The deadly conspirators: Racist, Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, top, and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, below. Apparently, the two deadly companions were hoping that the Communists would beat the pro-white demonstrators’ brains in and maybe kill a few—or many. However, the death of racist “counter-demonstrator” Heather Heyer is at least as useful to them, since they and the media (of the racist Left and the cowardly “Right” alike) have jumped on the Heather Hoax bandwagon, suppressing all facts about the riot that show that the violence was virtually all begun by the racist Communists, and anything exculpatory to white motorist James Alex Fields Jr. They’ve been doing this since at least the Rodney King case in 1991.


By Nicholas Stix

People in Trump’s inner circle—daughter Ivanka? Globaloney National Security Advisor H.R. McMasters? Respectable Republican, sometime Christian Vice President Mike Pence?—talked the President into condemning the victims of Charlottesville, and implicitly endorsing the Communist perps.

Trump has said nothing condemning the Communist attackers, who tried to murder white motorist James Alex Fields Jr. with baseball bat, or Democrat Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who conspired to violate white demonstration organizers’ civil rights, and cause the bloody, fatal, racist riot.

AG Jeff Sessions is acting like the typical shameful, cowardly Republican. He is rolling out The Treatment for James Alex Fields Jr.: No charges against, or even investigation of the true criminals—Signer, McAuliffe, Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas, the racist, Communist rioters, et al., a double jeopardy of state and federal prosecutions, with poisoned jury pools, and with Fields railroaded into either of two death penalties—a “life sentence,” in which he will be gang-raped and murdered in prison by black supremacist inmates, or via the needle.

Heather Heyer was no victim of James Alex Fields Jr. She was blocking the street, engaged in a "victory celebration" of the racist riot with the very Communist thugs who tried to murder Fields.


  1. Our national leaders have shamed themselves.

    A few minutes ago, I wrote to President Trump via the White House web site. Laugh if you want, but I urged him to exercise better wisdom and judgement concerning the events in Charlottesville.

  2. Might be my imagination,but it seems like there's less focus on the car incident and more on the overall weekend.Yes,Lesta had the school official give his testimony about Fields and Nazism,but that was about it.
    Any other video not yet seen COULD exonerate him.Already the black hitting his car with a bat is a mitigating piece of evidence.But we'll see.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. The double standard of the unconstitutional legal framework that denies Whites identity while purposefully financing and fomenting identity for all others is going to be challenged until proper redress. This was a weak, asthenic moment for Trump and I hope he bounces back.

  4. I would really like to see a thorough exposé of the Antifa movement. How are its members chosen and recruited, how are they brainwashed, who are their real leaders, etc. Information seems to be lacking, at least to me. There are plenty of other subversive groups and individuals who deserve censure for their acts in Charlottesville and elsewhere. But for now, I'll just talk about Antifa.

    To me, Antifa has all the earmarks of being a cult. Many, if not all, of the Antifa people seem really young. For that reason, I can feel sorry for them because they've been deluded, although I can't excuse them for joining mobs and looking for victims.

    I can't help but wonder what the parents of this weekend's killed and wounded kids might have to say (except that I wouldn't want to hear any leftist propaganda.) Did they know their kids were caught up in a subversive cult? Did they even know that their children were in Charlottesville this past weekend? I

    On the other hand, maybe none of this is so mysterious after all. The Antifa's kids' parents just might be like Traylon's Martin's parents: let 'em do what they want. They just don't give a shit.

  5. The black mindset has rubbed off on many whites.Free food,free housing,no work,shoot up,welfare babies,government
    umbrella,complain about racism,sit on the porch,just get by,complain about police,free college,nothing given back,put down whites,put down Trump,have no initiative,ruin another street,make another slum,interracial murder,living in a dump,get drugs,get stoned.
    The more whites are around blacks,the more influenced they are by them.Blacks wear down some--that's all it takes.Other whites move.Dem politicians cater to the black mindset.
    The more blacks there are,the less the United States of 50 years ago exists.
    Why whites want to see this country go down the road that will destroy them is beyond my comprehension.
    --GR Anonymous

  6. "The more whites are around blacks,the more influenced they are by them.Blacks wear down some--that's all it takes.Other whites move.Dem politicians cater to the black mindset."

    Whiggers. In a nutshell that one word describes it all. A white .......

  7. To me, Antifa has all the earmarks of being a cult. Many, if not all, of the Antifa people seem really young. For that reason, I can feel sorry for them because they've been deluded,"

    Red diaper babies. You need to look the term up.

  8. I just looked up "Red Diaper Baby." It's what I expected.

    On Drudge today, August 15, it is reported that Trump has condemned the Alt Left. Good news. Not great news, but good news.
