Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville: Why Do C-Ville Taxpayers Support a Police Department? Crushing Communist Rioters was “too Dangerous” for Cops, so They Ran, and Left the Red Brigades in Charge

By Reader-Researcher RC

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate… I asked the guy who was in charge, ‘Where you going?’ He said, ‘We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.’ They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud a

At Zero Hedge.

Reminds me of how the L.A. riot started in 1992. Black supremacists attacked a Korean liquor store, and supervising officers ordered the LAPD to retreat, which emboldened black supremacists all over the city, when they saw the retreat on TV.


  1. I don't know if anyone has heard of a website called,"The Root",possibly the most insane site on the planet.Google or someone,dumped their article,"Why Sessions Investigating the Charlottesville Murder is BULLSHIT",into my mailbox.I perused it and found it worthy of Negro Nightly News rantings.
    Following that was another buffalo chip,"Watch the Hate Organizer,Jason Kessler, Run For His Life Today"...along with comments from liberal maniacs.
    One person plastered a video of a couple blacks punching a white guy in the street,saying Kessler has a face that should also be punched.
    Someone else wrote,it was their laugh of the day.
    These are white people writing this shit down.
    I couldn't believe the whites screaming at Kessler at his presser.Why do whites defend blacks,when BLACKS think so little of themselves (rightfully), that murdering each other is like getting a pack of smokes.That's the type of people whites are sticking their necks out for.That,and welfare collectors and work avoiders.
    And as seen yesterday(and many times before),they'll attack whites at the drop of a hat.
    The Root--don't waste your time clicking on to that garbage bag full of liberal filth.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Sure. WE are afraid. When the commies take over then you will really be afraid.

    Today the rioters throw tear gas, tomorrow they will be throwing molotov cocktails and after that hand grenades.

    My understanding too is that if the officials of law enforcement abdicate their responsibility the citizens CAN take matters into their own hands. That is legal.

  3. "These are white people writing this shit down. I couldn't believe the whites screaming at Kessler at his presser.Why do whites defend blacks,when BLACKS think so little of themselves (rightfully),"

    A certain element among the whitey loves the colored. Will do just but anything for them. A small element but very vocal and violent. That voice constantly getting louder all the time too.

  4. The governor had National Guard standing by. Normally when cops beat a retreat then the NG is called in. This time the whole mess was turned over to the rioters.

    Interesting take on the incident,with still photos and narrative,saying Fields was attacked with a bat early on.In this report,police saying they believed "Fields was scared",and that's why he drove full speed down the street.
