Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Charlottesville: What Really Happened?

By Nicholas Stix

Numerous right-of-center observers have done excellent work reporting on and analyzing the August 12 Communist riot in Charlottesville, which cost Communist Heather Heyer her life, but won her a Darwin Award, and which almost cost neo-Nazi James Alex Fields Jr. his life, and which may yet issue in Fields' execution.

My longtime VDARE colleague, Patrick Cleburne, has written an essay, excerpting from and linking to the best reports.


1 comment:

  1. Next right/left clash?
    SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — San Francisco city leaders are looking to lessons from protests in Boston as they brace for a rally by a far-right group on Saturday by bringing in the entire police force in to work that day.

    Portland-based Patriot Prayer, described as an “alt-right” group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has dubbed its event “Free Speech, Unity and Peace San Francisco,” billing it as “a day of freedom, spirituality, unity, peace, and patriotism!”

    “Every available officer is expected to be working on Saturday,” said San Francisco Police Sgt. Michael Andraychak. “So no discretionary time off and days off have been canceled.”

    San Francisco has pretty much given up on the National Park Service denying the Patriot Prayer group a permit, out of fear of violence.

    “They probably can’t deny it,” said Rory Little, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law. “There is a First Amendment right to assemble and a First Amendment right to speak.”

    Now the focus is on working with the National Park Service to prevent the clashes over free speech similar to what happened during a recent Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle.

    “Police Chief [William] Scott is meeting at least twice a day now and [park service officials] seem to be depending on our police force being the security for the entire event,” said Mayor Ed Lee

    Lee is hoping to use some of the lessons learned in Boston over the weekend where a heavy police presence and fences were set up to keep free speech advocates and counter demonstrators apart. “Boston prepared very well,” he said.

    “You can impose some pretty stringent conditions such as no backpacks, no weapons — not just firearms — no baseball bats no clubs, no knives,” said Little.
