Sunday, August 13, 2017

Charlottesville Videos Show Racist, Armed Blacks Trying to Slaughter White Driver, but Who Attacked First?



Mug shot of suspect James Alex Fields Jr.

By Nicholas Stix
By An Anonymous Reader
Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 12:35:00 P.M. EDT

New video shows Charlottesville car and driver being attacked with baseball bats before backing up.

Just like the Rodney King video, where the media purposely edited out the parts that showed King attacking the police, in order to promote a racist white cops/black victim narrative that instigated the LA race riots and the lynching of 50 innocent people and the violent assaults of many more.

Here is an alternate view not being shown by the MSM, that shows the car from the rear just before it backed up to get out of there.

Something was happening to the car and driver that the MSM doesn't want the public to see. Like the car being swarmed and attacked by violent Leftist protestors using aluminum baseball bats (deadly weapons) to get to the driver, and likely beat him to death, if he had given them the opportunity. Instead he apparently chose to leave and save himself.



  1. There were two movements of the car.Unseen was the reason for the first move forward.It was plain to everyone why the driver went into reverse--the ghetto baseball team was coming after him to kill.No doubt about that.If he was receiving a similar threat before the first move forward,it would be self defense easily.There must be video around of that part of the street.Everyone has a fricking camera ready to incite.
    Good luck America.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. At the time, the media's crowd of "peaceful counter-protestors" didn't know if he used his car as a weapon or not. The driver could have suffered a medical condition, been elderly, had a heart attack, accidentally hit the gas instead of the break. The car may had an electrical/computer/mechanical malfunction that caused the car to speed up and frustrate all the driver's attempts to stop it. All these scenarios have happened before. Or he may have been attacked down the road out of camera view, and panicked trying to get away. Peaceful people would have tried to find out.

    But the media's "peaceful counter-protestors" didn't try to find out; they came armed with deadly weapons, and chose to use them instead.

    This video belies the the MSM narrative of "peaceful counter-protestors".

  3. "But the media's "peaceful counter-protestors" didn't try to find out; they came armed with deadly weapons, and chose to use them instead."

    What we saw in that video was an attempted Lynching. And the DOJ, terrified of the Left calling them the 'R' word, won't do a damn thing about it.

  4. The video doesn't tell us much, because he already had plowed into the protestors once before we see the people coming after him with baseball bats. We do not know whether they attacked him first, or whether they were attacking him because he had run into people. We need to see the car 10-30 seconds earlier to get a good idea of whether he was the aggressor.

  5. All good points, Glaivester. Considering that people on the street were obsessively videoing everything and nothing, there should be copious film of those 10-30 seconds. And yet, we see nothing, and the MSM has no interest in that gap, or even mentioning it.

  6. Those baseball bats magically appeared out of nowhere?They were brought with intent,wouldn't you think?The blacks had the bats already on the far end of the road.Odds are,the bats weren't being carried by blacks for the purpose of hitting fungoes.

  7. "The video doesn't tell us much, because he already had plowed into the protestors once before we see the people coming after him with baseball bats. We do not know whether they attacked him first, or whether they were attacking him because he had run into people...."

    The video tells us plenty. It tells us that Leftist mobs aren't mind readers, and that they had no way of knowing what the cause or what his intentions were at the time. The video also tells us that the Leftist mob illegally appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner, and they came with 'ropes' to carry out the sentence. And would have done so if he hadn't escaped. In any other time in history, and when applied against the Liberal MSM's 'Officially Protected Victim Class', it's called an attempted Lynching.
