Saturday, July 22, 2017

Murder in Minneapolis? City’s First Somali Muslim Police Officer Shoots and Kills White Australian Woman

By An Anonymous Reader

Took some time for the East Coast news outlets to reveal the cop's name, then his ethnic identity, then the fact that he was “famous” and “lauded” for being the “first Somali (Muslim) police officer on the Minneapolis force.”

Another AA hire whose likely most important qualification for admission to the force was his skin color: not his intelligence, judgement, and fitness for police work.

In the same way that the physical fitness requirements heretofore in place for DECADES for anyone hoping to make it as a fireman in this nation were (and continue to be) progressively “softened,” so that overweight, overage, out-of-shape black, Latino and Asian lesbians can achieve their dream, the exact same thing has obviously happened in police forces everywhere.

It'll take a bit for the full story here to be revealed - as there are almost certainly forces being arrayed to help this guy dodge any culpability for this crime - but “the truth will out,” as it almost always does.

Who's to say that with the uniform cameras of both officers turned off for some reason, that this wasn't an ideal, opportune time for Mohamed to perhaps follow this religion's dictates and “settle some scores”?

At Our Future Sucks.

N.S.: I apologize to AAR for posting this so late. He sent the item on Monday, I set it up, but then mislaid it, and just dug up his original e-mail.

1 comment:

  1. "the physical fitness requirements heretofore in place for DECADES for anyone hoping to make it as a fireman in this nation were (and continue to be) progressively 'softened,'”

    Go try carrying 150 pounds up three flight of stairs. At a minimum and do it against time.
