Tuesday, July 25, 2017

James Matthew Bradley Jr.: The Black Trucker Who Killed 10 Mexican Illegal Aliens in His Trailer, is a Violent, Career Criminal, Who Has Benefited for 20 Years from Affirmative Action Criminal Justice


Two of James Bradley's many mug shots over the years; these are from 2005 and 2004, respectively

By A Texas Reader

“James Bradley Jr., who also uses the name James Bear Bradley, has a criminal record dating back to at least 1997, with arrests in multiple states on charges including menacing, assault, grand theft, escape and several traffic offenses, online court records show.

“He was arrested in 1997 in Arapahoe County, Colorado, on charges of felony menacing, menacing with a deadly weapon and third-degree assault. [God only knows what his real crime was—attempted murder?] He pleaded guilty in 1998 to the felony menacing charge and the others were dropped. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail and two years of probation.

“The probation was revoked in 2003 and he was arrested a year later in 2004 on a felony escape warrant while in Hillsborough County, Florida. He was also charged in Florida with grand theft, but the charge was dropped after he spent more than a month in jail. He was then extradited to Colorado, where he received one year in prison on the escape charge.

[“The probation was revoked in 2003…” That can’t be. Bradley’s two-year probation from 1998 would have run out in 2000. My hunch is that Bradley was convicted of yet another felony and put on probation again, between 2000 and 2003, but that the Heavy.com writer, Tom Cleary, didn’t find it. This guy Cooper is in constant trouble with the law.]

“His probation was revoked again in 2005 and he was again sent to prison in Colorado, court records show.

[Probably yet another conviction and probation. You only get a sentence of probation revoked once.]

“He has also been convicted of several driving offenses, including speeding, being overweight on axle 1st/3rd, misuse of equipment and driving without evidence of financial responsibility.

“Bradley, who has been married twice, has most recently lived in Louisville, Kentucky, according to public records, though federal officials have identified him as being from Clearwater, Florida. He has also lived in Sacramento and Rancho Cordova, California, along with Denver, Aurora, and Broomfield Colorado.”

N.S.: Bradley’s story about the incident at the WalMart, where police found him and the eight corpses, was full of transparent lies.

Bradley asserted that his job was to drive the truck, which he did not own and which had been “sold,” from Schaller, Iowa, to Brownsville, Texas. But he wasn’t caught in Brownsville, he was caught in San Antonio.

He said he was to deliver the sold truck in Brownsville, but that he had no delivery address.

He said he had no knowledge that he was carrying people in the trailer, but when he heard people inside, opened the truck, and saw what looked to be corpses and other sick people, and a total of 38 people, he did not bother calling 911. Not calling 911 was already a crime, but a lesser one than mass murder.

He said that instead of calling 911, he called his wife, who didn’t answer.

He said that no vans appeared to pick up app. 28 people from his truck and drive away.

Police found Bradley in the “camper” section behind his truck cab, with eight corpses lying in his trailer, as well as two desperately ill people who would later die at area hospitals.

Here’s what I think happened. Bradley was working for coyotes, which he had probably done for years, and got paid anywhere from $5,000-$10,000 for the load of illegals. His trailer had refrigeration, but he never turned it on, because running the refrigeration system would have required a few more dollars’ worth of gas. He also didn’t provide bottles of water to his passengers/captives, because that would have cost a few dollars that he had no intention of paying.

The illegals were inside for 12 hours. It was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside that day, and probably 120 degrees inside.

Bradley’s instructions were to pull up at the WalMart, and call the coyotes, which he no doubt did.

When the cops found him, he was doubtless waiting for the coyotes to send a truck to remove and dispose of the eight corpses in the back, as well as the two people who were still alive.

Although Bradley was surely not guilty of first-degree, premediated murder, his crimes are death penalty-eligible.

He’s committed ten counts of second-degree murder, in terms of depraved indifference to human life. However, because he committed mass murder while committing the separate felony of human trafficking, he is guilty of felony murder, which is legally equivalent to Murder One, and thus eligible for the death penalty, in the event of a conviction. That’s assuming Bradley doesn’t enjoy yet more affirmative action criminal justice, in which case he could be out again in a few years.

At Heavy (updated since I wrote this post).


  1. jerry pdx
    An elderly 65 yr. old woman is sexually assaulted in her home and the perp steals her car the other night. Our local "news"paper offers readers this description of the perp:

    "The man is between 20 and 30 years old, has a goatee and tattoos on his chest and arms, and was wearing only a pair of jeans, police said."

    One commenter sarcastically says: You just described 70% of the male population in Portland. OK, an exaggeration but it was sarcasm in order to make a point. These generic descriptions do little to identify dangerous criminals but the media doesn't care, as long as it's appeasing racist and violent minority groups by covering up their criminality it's satisfied with this kind of "reporting".

    Check out the comments, readers aren't fooled and are calling out the Oregonian on it's threatening of public safety by aiding and abetting dangerous negro and hispanic criminals.

    UPDATE: The perp is arrested. His name is Sergio Jose Martinez, thankfully, despite the protection provided by our local "news"paper police still caught this POS. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/07/police_arrest_man_accused_of_a.html

    I had guessed this already because one of his victims was a 65 yr. old woman but this looks like an Afro hispanic to me.

  2. "However, because he committed mass murder while committing the separate felony of human trafficking, he is guilty of felony murder, which is legally equivalent to Murder One, and thus eligible for the death penalty, in the event of a conviction. "

    If it can be proven he is part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy that becomes a federal charge and he can get the death penalty.

  3. "The perp is arrested. His name is Sergio Jose Martinez,"

    What is his immigration status?

  4. Bravo.This needs to pushed nationwide,but on a city by city basis, by local communities on their local medias."Tell us the COMPLETE facts of who is on the run for their crimes?."
    Could you believe the FBI's most wanted list being released with BLURRED FACES?What would be the fuc*ing point?Same idea,except these are verbal descriptions being censored by TV stations.Nice report Jerry pdx
    --GR Anonymous
