Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Years Before She Figured Out How to Enslave Millions of Zombie, White Soccer Moms, Oprah Winfrey was Such a Miserable Kid that She Contemplated Suicide


Oprah Winfrey in Strøget, Denmark September 30, 2009

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:27:00 P.M. EDT

Hey Oprah, why didn't you do the world a favor and just go through with it?


Why would a morbidly obese woman with a huge bosom wear a push-up bra? As a Jackie Gleason character once said, "It's hard being a fat narcissist."


N.S.: So many people hate Oprah that for years an “Oprah Died” hoax story has made the rounds of the Internet without cease. Apparently, there are millions of people whose lives are immeasurably brightened by learning that this insufferable woman has died—only to return to despair, when they learn that the story was fake.


Oprah Winfrey, sporting her super-ugly glasses


  1. The 2020 Democrapic Candidate for POTUS.I posted that before.She's interested--and she'd win--with all those white soccer moms and all the hordes of blacks turning out to vote for one of their own again.Enjoy Trump while we have him.Soon,it'll be back to black.
    --GR Anonymous

    Racist black calling the kettle white--meaning he's wrong about his assumption.
    If whites don't do things to benefit blacks(and destroy ourselves)--we're racist.Whites just need to think about what's going on with the lies from politicians AND the media.If we do,we'll never be fooled again,as a race,to vote for a black.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. 'Multiple shooting' involving Congress members reported in Alexandria, suspect in custody
    WUSA 8:00 AM. EDT June 14, 2017

    ALEXANDRIA, VA. (WUSA9) - Alexandria Police Department is investigating a "multiple shooting" Wednesday morning.

    The shooting happened in the 400 block of E Monroe Street, according to police.

    A suspect is believed to be in custody.

    A CBS Special News Report is scheduled for this morning.

    There are some reports that members of Congress were involved.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Rep.Mo Brooks was on TV relaying his eyewitness account of the shooting of collegue,majority whip Steve Scalise(La) AND capitol police.An obvious assassination attempt with a high powered rifle.It occurred at a local YMCA near a baseball field.Multiple people shot.Scalise bleeding badly.
    --GR Anonymous

  5. My favorite reference to Winfrey was by William F. Buckley--"that black woman who is alternately fat and thin."And I never heard of anyone else named "Oprah"--must be one of those made-up names blacks come up with to try to be special--like Shitavious. Then there are the names blacks think they made up but really already exist--like Latrine.

  6. FOX reporting,the shooter is identified as James Hodgkinson,66 from Bellville,Illinois.A facebook page allegedly of the shooter,rants about Trump being a traitor,along with threats to do something about it.He lists Bernie Sanders as his fave politician.
    This shooting is the direct result of the political anti-Trump verbiage that the networks spew out on a daily basis.It's comparable to the dashcam videos that were released,of cops shooting black thugs on Negro Nightly News (and others) that incited riots.
    The constant dehumanizing news reporting about Trump by the networks has now achieved its first goal.It would be naive to think this shooting stops the hate talk for more than a few days.It's possible yesterdays Sessions hearing was even the tipping point.These networks have dirty filthy hands in this.

    --GR Anonymous

  7. Oprah loves to play the victim role, so she walks up to upscale boutiques after closing and pretends to be a victim of racism when they won't let her in. I guess that's what passes for racial victimization when you're mega rich.
