Friday, June 02, 2017

The NAACP: Trump’s Decision to Exit the Paris Accord was Racist! Has the NAACP been Violating the Logan Act?



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A colleague responded to this thing,
Grown-up white people with college degrees actually tolerate this kind of stuff. From the NAACP:

“Low-income African-American neighborhoods will be among the most affected by exiting the Paris Agreement."
I recall another grown-up white man who wrote in a New York Times op-ed about 12 years ago that although blacks’ assertion that Elvis Presley had somehow stolen his success from them was false, because blacks said it, whites were obligated to act as though the lie were true.

It may sound as if such whites have turned themselves into slaves, but that’s only half the picture. It is the ordinary whites who are turned into slaves. The powerful whites who suck up to racist blacks always have ordinary whites to kick, but the latter have nobody to kick.

A white racial socialist will respond, “Bu why does anyone need to kick anyone?,” to which one must ask, “You tell me.” The world of racial socialism consists of whites and their non-white allies perpetually coming up with new ways to oppress powerless whites, including endlessly telling them how “privileged” the powerless whites are.

MEDIA CONTACTS: Malik Russell /

June 1, 2017 (Baltimore, Maryland) – The NAACP issued the following statement today regarding the decision by President Trump to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

The NAACP is deeply disappointed by the announcement today by President Donald J. Trump that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Despite this disastrous step backwards for our nation, the NAACP resolves to not only do its part to adhere to the tenets of the Paris Agreement, but also to continue to fight for environmental justice.

[“Do its part to adhere to the tenets of the Paris Agreement...” What part? The NAACP has no part. it is not a sovereign government.]

“There’s no way around it – this decision by the Trump Administration is not only a rejection of the undeniable science that has proven climate change exists, but also will send our nation and our planet down a path that will only lead to catastrophic destruction. In these dark times, one thing is for certain: the United States may be out of the Paris Agreement, but the NAACP is going to be all in for equity and our environment, now more than ever before,” said Leon W. Russell, chairman of the Board of Directors.

[There is no science behind global warming.]

“The NAACP asserts that anything less than a 100-percent commitment of adherence to the Paris Agreement is a flagrant and callous disregard of the urgent mandate to protect our people, and our planet,” said Jacqueline Patterson, director of the NAACP’s Environmental and Climate Justice Program. “Low-income African-American neighborhoods will be among the most affected by exiting the Paris Agreement. Increased carbon dioxide emissions can cause extreme and unprecedented weather conditions, which can potentially devastate communities as we saw during Hurricane Katrina.

[“Increased carbon dioxide emissions” had absolutely nothing to do with Hurricane Katrina. The only thing that devastated communities during Hurricane Katrina was black people.]

The United States is the world's second-largest emitter of carbon dioxide emissions, only behind China. Our country should be showing model leadership and ending the politicization of climate change, rather than continuing to turn its back on African-Americans in the name of corporate greed and dependence on fossil fuels.”

“The NAACP has had a delegation at the United Nations Climate Talks since 2009 when our Environmental and Climate Justice Program was established, and we voted unanimously in support of the Paris Agreement resolution. [Since when did the NAACP become a separate, sovereign nation?] Today, we pledge to remain active members of these talks, and to hold our country accountable in a forum of its national peers as the voice of the U.S. electorate,” Russell continued. [The NAACP is not “the voice of the U.S. electorate.” It sounds like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has violated the Logan Act.] “The NAACP also plans to increase and deepen our mitigation and adaptation work until every state and every one of our branches is engaging on stemming the tide of climate change, and preparing communities for the impacts that are already being felt.”

[How do you prepare for something has “already” happened? This is the Black School of Rhetorical Bombast at work. That’s an assault on society that we really need to work on.]

Across the nation, NAACP Branches and Chapters are already advancing the tenets of the Paris Agreement with a view towards even more ambitious aims than those espoused in the agreement, by ensuring that all climate mitigation and adaptation action is centered in equity and justice: In Memphis, Tennessee; Indianapolis, Indiana; Gulfport, Mississippi; Omaha, Nebraska; Chicago, Illinois; and more, NAACP units have engaged in Coal Blooded Campaigns to stop the practices responsible for the largest emissions of carbon dioxide, the number one greenhouse gas that drives climate change.

[“Equity and justice” are just euphemisms for racist shakedowns. “Even more ambitious aims” means even more shakedowns.]

From Georgia, to Michigan, to Alabama, to Missouri and beyond, the NAACP has been advocating for strong pollution standards such as the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards, Carbon Pollution Standards and more, to significantly reduce the pollution driving climate change.

In Maryland, Indiana, Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, and more, the NAACP is advancing energy efficiency and clean energy policies as an alternative to fossil fuel based energy production.

In Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska as well as Saginaw, Michigan and Gary, Indiana, the NAACP is leading action on communities going solar.

[This is a joke, right?]

On the adaptation side, in North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and beyond, the NAACP is working with Climate Central and NOAA to train communities and facilitate planning for the impact of sea level rise.

To address climate related shifts in agricultural yields, from Longview, Texas to Gulfport, Mississippi, the NAACP units have planted local gardens and from Anchorage, Alaska to Indianapolis, Indiana, the NAACP is partnering with schools and local community projects to support aquaponics, to grow food indoors.

[The “science” is garbage, as is the claim that the NAACP has anything to do with self-reliance.]

Starting with the NAACP National MoA with FEMA, to the individual disaster plans in Alabama, Missouri, Florida, Mississippi and elsewhere, the NAACP is preparing communities to adapt to the increase in extreme weather events.

[No, it isn’t.]


Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights [read: black power] in their communities. You can read more about the NAACP’s work and our six “Game Changer” issue areas here.


  1. "To see who rules you, determine who you cannot criticize." - - voltaire.

  2. The NAACP thinks that it's racist if a black has a sense of humor.
