Saturday, May 13, 2017

“Unarmed”? In Chicago, SUV Killer Murders Another Woman, 18, by Repeatedly Ramming Her into a Tree

Following Argument: police
By Reader-Researcher RC

Woman, 18, killed after another rammed her with SUV following argument: police

An 18-year-old woman was killed Friday after another woman repeatedly rammed her into a tree with a car in the Morgan Park neighborhood following an argument...

N.S.: Why is it whenever the cops kill someone driving a car, the media always describe the dead guy as "unarmed." Because the decedent is always black or Hispanic. Everyone knows that every car is a deadly weapon.


  1. Just heard on my local news,that there was a warning issued by law enforcement(nationally,I believe) of
    the latest carjacking plan (by blacks,though not mentioned specifically):
    Intentional ramming of your new model car,by a ghettomobile from behind,so that you stop and get out of your vehicle.After that occurs,your car is removed from your possession.
    So if this happens,look in your mirror and see if you observe some smiling white teeth in the car that hit you.If you do,ignore the "accident"--and take off!!!
    A PSA from...
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Morgan Park area. My alma mater is Morgan Park high school. Chicago was a different and better place back then but we at least once a year a large-scale racial disturbance where the riot police had to be brought in.
