Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Associated Press/DPUSA Play “Saturday Night Massacre” Card, as Part of Seditious Conspiracy to Undo Presidential Election

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Most media outlets publishing this er, thing, did not identify the AP operative. I hunted down Catherine Lucey at WBNG.

Democrats keep comparing President Trump’s conduct to that of President Nixon, because they decided last November 8th or 9th, as soon as they realized that, in spite of their best-laid plans, Trump had beaten the criminal candidate to whom they had sworn allegiance and voted, to undo the election, by using the Nixon Playbook.

Comey firing compared to Nixon’s ‘Saturday Night Massacre’
By Catherine Lucey
May 11, 2017 at 12:13 p.m. CDT
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's surprise firing of FBI Director James Comey drew swift comparisons to the Nixon-era "Saturday Night Massacre." Both cases involve a president getting rid of an official leading an investigation that could ensnare the White House.

On that Saturday night in 1973, Nixon ordered the firing of the independent special prosecutor overseeing the Watergate investigation, prompting the resignations of the top two officials at the Justice Department.

This week, Trump fired the FBI director in the midst of an investigation into whether Trump's campaign had ties to Russian meddling in the election that may have helped send him to the White House.

Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University, said the comparison was "apt." ''Obviously, there are different circumstances. But it's about a president that's seeming to lurch into abuse of power," he said.

[Doug Brinkley is a Democrat propagandist. He’s not as bad as some, but that Catherine Lucey would quote him parroting a DPUSA talking point, without quoting an opponent pointing out how ridiculous the DPUSA assertion is, well, in character with the rest of this propaganda thing.]

Nixon ordered Archibald Cox fired for his continued efforts to obtain tape recordings made at the White House. Cox had said he would not bow to "exaggerated claims of executive privilege" and drop his pursuit of the tapes.

Attorney General Elliot Richardson refused to carry out Nixon's order and resigned in protest. Richardson's deputy, William Ruckelshaus, also refused and resigned as well. Finally, Solicitor General Robert Bork, the third-ranking official at Justice, fired the prosecutor.

In this case, Trump had the power to fire the FBI director himself. The White House cited a Justice Department official's concerns about the director's handling of last year's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices.

But Democrats criticizing Trump's stunning move say the two cases are similar because Comey was overseeing an FBI investigation into both Russia's hacking of Democratic groups last year and whether Trump campaign associates had ties to Moscow's election interference.

[Catherine Lucey makes a true statement, only to bury it in DPUSA lies.]

Three U.S. officials say Comey told lawmakers that he had recently asked the Justice Department for more money for the bureau's investigation into Russia's election meddling.

"This is Nixonian," Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., declared on Twitter on Tuesday, calling for a "special prosecutor to continue the Trump/Russia investigation."

The White House has said there is no evidence of any ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. In his letter to Comey, Trump said that the FBI director had told him "on three occasions, that I am not under investigation."

There are some differences. Brinkley noted that the Watergate investigation was further along, while the Russia probe is just beginning. And after Nixon's firings, Brinkley said, a number of Republicans "started going after the leader of their own party" and that has not happened yet in Trump's case.

The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum pushed back on the comparison on its official Twitter account Tuesday, writing: "FUN FACT: President Nixon never fired the Director of the FBI."

The National Archives and Records Administration later criticized the tweet in a statement, saying it "was not representative of the policies of the Library or the National Archives."

The National Archives added that it is "examining the training provided to employees who post to official social media channels as well as reviewing work flows and approval processes to ensure that our social media efforts engage the public in constructive conversations in line with agency policies."

Citing personnel rules, it did not say if any employees would be punished for the Tweet. The presidential library system is overseen by the Office of Presidential Libraries, a component of the National Archives. The libraries are funded through federal dollars and private contributions.

1 comment:

  1. From now on,President Trump should not say,"Let me make this perfectly clear..."
    Or,"I am not a crook."
    Or,"Sock it to me."
    It might lead to,"You won't have Donald Trump to kick around anymore."
    The years 1970-1972,continue to want to come back.
    --GR Anonymous
