Monday, May 22, 2017

Parisiennes are Prisoners in the Neighborhood They’ve Lived Their Entire Lives in, Which Muslims Have Turned into a No-Go District



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Parisian Women Face Constant Harassment by Migrants
By Chris Tomlinson
21 May 2017

Women in the east Paris district of Chapelle-Pajol are claiming that they cannot leave their homes without being subjected to verbal abuse from migrants in the area.

Over the past year or so the district has become a no-go area for women as migrants and drug dealers have flooded the area. Dozens of these groups of young men crowd the streets, harassing women who walk by wearing what they consider to be immodest clothing Le Parisien reports.

The situation for women has gotten so bad in the area that many women are effectively banned from cafes and bars. 50-year-old Natalie, who has been a resident of the area for 30 years said, “these are insults, incessant reflections. The atmosphere is agonising, to the point of having to modify our itinerary, our clothes. Some even gave up going out.”
An 80-year-old female resident is said to have totally stopped leaving her apartment after being sexually assaulted as she was returning home one day.

Aurélie, 38, who has lived in the area for 15 years said that the cafe below her apartment has turned into an exclusively male establishment. “I have to listen to a lot of remarks when I pass in front, especially since they drink a lot,” she said.

[There is no limit to Moslem hypocrisy. The Moslem men surely call the Frenchwomen “whores.” Meanwhile, the Moslem men treat all women like dirt, though in different ways, and outside of Moslem countries, accept no standards of conduct. When I lived in West Germany, most of the Moslem men not only obsessively chased Western girls, but were lushes, to boot. Feminists have somehow failed to catch on to Islam's misogyny. Then again, there is also no limit to feminists' hypocrisy. If only they cared about women.]

“A few days ago, the simply standing by my window triggered a flood of insults and I had to lock myself in my apartment. I used to walk down the Boulevard de la Chapelle from Stalingrad [metro station], even late at night … It’s unthinkable today,” she added.

The Stalingrad metro was the former location of a large makeshift migrant camp in Paris which was cleared and relocated to Porte de la Chapelle. Earlier this month Breitbart London visited the camp and talked to the migrants there. All blamed Europe for their situation and demanded handouts from the French government.

Another woman said she would not allow her 12-year-old daughter to walk the streets of the area alone anymore. She said that after getting off at the Chapelle metro station she ended up in the middle of a brawl of migrants who pulled knives out and threatened her with them. “I thought my last hour had arrived,” she said.

Due to mass migration, the situation in various parts of Paris has rapidly deteriorated over the last few years. Various suburbs of Paris, such as Seine-Saint-Denis, have become breeding grounds for radical Islam according to France’s top expert on the subject, Gilles Kepel.

The women of Chapelle-Pajol have said they will organise a walk around the area with female city officials in order to bring attention to the problem and perhaps find a solution.

So far newly elected French president Emmanuel Macron has not addressed the issue of safety in the French capital, using his first weeks as president to court the approval of German Chancellor Angela Merkel instead.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at


  1. 20 Dead, 100s Injured After "Terror Incident" At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester - Live Feed

    May 22, 2017 6:35 PM

    NBC Summarizes:

    — NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) May 22, 2017
    Update 4: Sky News reports another bomb located at Manchester's Victoria Metro Station - emergency units rushing. Bomb disposal units have arrived at the 'active crime scene' at Manchester Arena.

    Manchester's Victoria station, which backs onto the arena, has been evacuated and all trains cancelled. National Rail said in an online statement: "Emergency services are dealing with an incident at Manchester Arena. As Manchester Victoria is located near the arena, the station has been evacuated and all lines closed.

    "Trains are currently unable to run to / from Manchester Victoria. Some trains will be cancelled throughout or start / terminate at alternative stations. Disruption is expected to continue until end of the day."
    British Transport Police confirmed the blast came from "within the foyer area of the stadium at 10.30pm this evening".
    GRA:This had less coverage on NNN than the white on black murder.Amazing.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Men in Paris are causing trouble. MEN! What they need to say and will not sway is that Muslim men are causing trouble.

    You have to conform to them and not the other way around. Just don't make them mad.
