Thursday, May 18, 2017

“Obstruction of Justice!” Shout the Seditious Conspirators

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:45:00 P.M. EDT


Lesta Holt could barely contain himself by declaring, “Donald Trump asked James Comey not to investigate the Michael Flynn case. This appears to many, to be obstruction of justice.

Then Hallie Jackson ripped Trump on the Russian story.

Then Kristin Welker tried to get Republicans like Corker and McConnell to throw Trump under the bus.

was the caption, as Welker sounded like a prosecutor making a closing argument.

Andrea Mitchell finished up by saying, “foreign countries can't trust the President,” and “Trump has a short attention span.”

You think it can’t get any worse for Trump—and then today appears. It got worse.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:58:00 P.M. EDT
Also on CNN:

“Obstruction of Justice!” Toobin Blasts Trump Over Report He Asked Comey to Stop Flynn Investigation
By Justin Baragona
6:18 p.m., May 16th, 2017

It was reported this afternoon by the New York Times that recently fired FBI Director James Comey had been asked by President Donald Trump to end the investigation into ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The news comes out as there are concerns that the president fired Comey due to the Trump/Russia investigation, something Trump seemed to admit to during his interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt.

Following this breaking news, CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin claimed that this pretty much shows that Trump is obstructing justice, something that has been brought up more and more when it comes to the Comey firing.

“Three words — obstruction of justice,” Toobin noted. “Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that’s true, that is obstruction of justice.”

Toobin went on, “Why do you think Director Comey wrote a memo to the file about it? Because he was so appalled that a President of the United States would behave in this way.”

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 11:41:00 PM EDT

After watching much of the coverage tonight, the one point I thought was valid was this: If Comey thought, in February, that this Trump conversation was illegal: a) He was obligated to bring notice of such illegalities to the DOJ; and b) If he didn't notify the DOJ, he must have thought this was NOT illegal.

And here we are with WAPO and the NY Times, the Negro Nightly News and CNN conducting impeachment trials all evening.

Ridiculous reaction by the crazed media. But what else would you expect these days? I expect to see an image of a rope behind Lesta Holt as he reads tomorrows tripe.

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