Monday, May 01, 2017

Kendrex White: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know about the "Random," Racist, University of Texas Bowie Knife Attacker


The arrest of war criminal Kendrex White

By Reader-Researcher "B"

Nothing much to see here: another day, another outbreak of murderous spontaneous Blackness, this time at the University of Texas, a once-storied, sane institution increasingly crippled by the mandate to 'enrich' their student environment with as much diversity as possible.

This guy seemed to have fit the bill: by all accounts he was 'Magic':

White is a junior biology and pre-med major at the university. According to his Twitter profile, he has been studying to eventually become a doctor.
“Aloha. I live life to the fullest, because this can all be gone tomorrow,” he wrote. “Future Doctor #UT18 Bio Major pre-Med. Hawaii will always be my home. Smile.”

White was a member of the Black Health Professionals Organization on campus, the group’s president, Melody Adindu, told the Associated Press. Adindu said White was passionate about his work and was “very interactive and easygoing.” She said she is shocked by the news about the stabbings.'

Scroll through the photos posted here, and see if you can spot any spark of intelligence of a balanced human being, let alone the deep thinking capacity required of a “future Doctor.” F---ing ridiculous.

“Kendrex White: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.”


  1. I wonder if Kendrex J White was receiving any scholarship money ? And if so what scholarships were they ?

  2. " I live life to the fullest, because this can all be gone tomorrow,"

    Indeed it can be and now is.

  3. Just another monkey doing what monkeys do! What can you expect from a monkey?

  4. "... the group’s president, Melody Adindu..."

    LOL!!! Tell me you just made this name up! The president of the 'Black Health Professionals Organization' is named Melody (A.)Dindu?? As in, dindunuffin? Hilarious!!
