Thursday, May 04, 2017

Immigration, the New York Times, and John Tanton: Racist “Newspaper of Record” Defames American Hero, and then Refuses to Publish Letter Defending Him

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Extended at 3:49 p.m.

John Tanton may well be the greatest American presently alive. The retired, staggeringly productive, Michigan ophthalmologist now in his eighties almost singlehandedly founded the patriotic immigration movement, somehow managing to fund The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, the Social Contract Press and ProEnglish. He has been compared to Johnny Appleseed, and with good reason.

I have never met Dr. Tanton. He once personally invited me to a conference he was organizing. Although I was deeply honored, due to family obligations, I was unable to attend. Before we could meet, Dr. Tanton was stricken with Parkinson’s disease, which made it impossible for him to continue traveling to conferences.

My good friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) have for many years defamed Dr. Tanton. The New York Times not only acts as the SPLC’s stenographer, but has even hired SPLC operatives.

There’s an old German saying that applies to Dr. Tanton: “Viele Feinde, viel’ Ehr.’” “Many enemies, much honor.”

I am not acquainted with Dr. John Howard Wilhelm, however, a mutual friend forwarded me the following letter, with Dr. Wilhelm’s permission.

Dr. Wilhelm had sent the letter to the New York Times, whose letters censor declined to publish it.

Links within the letter added by yours truly; I hope they’re the right ones!

To the Editor:

Your description of Dr. John Tanton (article April 25, 2017), which is clearly taken from the Southern Poverty Law Center's website that describes Dr. Tanton as "the racist architect of the modern anti-immigration movement," should not go unchallenged. Like former governor Richard Lamm and others who have had similar concerns about immigration, Dr. Tanton's concerns stem from the works and writings of Garrett Hardin, the author of the classical article "The Tragedy of the Commons," not racism.

Given how well the Club of Rome's projections have held up after more than forty years and given the fact that fracking, whose rate of decline is very steep, now accounts for about half of U.S. oil production, it is clear that in the not too distant future we face an even greater oil shock than the one that was the catalyst for the Great Recession. The consequences of this will be to underline the truth of the immigration concerns of a Dr. Tanton about whom a newspaper concerned with truth ought to be more careful.

Sincerely yours,

John Howard Wilhelm, Ph.D.,

For purposes of transparency, I need to let you know that I have published in Dr. Tanton's quarterly journal "The Social Contract" The attached of one of my articles in that publication reflects concerns expressed in my second paragraph above. The publications of my articles in his journal occurred because of the concerns that Dr. Tanton had and has and not racism.

N.S.: Unfortunately, Dr. Wilhelm is wasting his breath. As far as the New York Times is concerned, any position not supporting the physical annihilation of the white race is “racist.”

1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch the game,but highlights of the Washington/Boston NBA game focused on half black Kelly Oubre taking a cheap shot at white player Kelly Olynyk.He bullrushed Olynyk and sent him flying off the court.I doubt that the halfie would've pulled that on a negro player.Lots of racism goes on in the NBA.Remember the Rudy Tomjanovich assault many years(1977)ago?Kermit Washington,the black LA Laker player shattered Rudy T's jaw and "inflicted life threatening injuries".
    No punches thrown tonight,but the racism was clear to see.
    --GR Anonymous
