Wednesday, May 03, 2017

From the University of Texas to New York, the White Man’s Job is to Die


[Re: “University of Texas Police Chief: Good News! The Mass Hate Crime Knife Attacks and Murder by Kendrex White weren’t Part of a Planned Conspiracy; It was Just One Isolated Killer, Whom We Had Admitted to UT Under Affirmative Action, Knowing that He was a Black, Racist Psycho; Therefore, Everyone Can Now Relax… Until the Next Mass Attack by a Racist, Black Psycho.”]

By Reader-Researcher “B”

I don't think there is a journalism professor in this nation - anywhere - who has pulled together all the threads, from every instance of the ongoing crushing of white civil rights, and LIFE, everywhere, every day in this nation: it is an unparalleled crime, going on in plain sight, and being ignored by everyone, including the victims and the families.

I can't imagine the grief of the parents/family of this slaughtered young man - Harrison Brown - who, like all good parents, lived and worked for their son to continue his life in this world, never imagining that sending him to UT would lead to his death in his first year.

They will never get their son back, but they should assemble the strongest legal team in the nation to bring this “University” to its knees, for the crime of admitting an unqualified, dangerously mentally-ill man.

I worry every time I send any story/comment to NSU, but realize with each passing year that I have less and less to lose in this regard, as being white in and of itself is tantamount to a crime - there isn't a white male in this nation past the age of 35 who hasn't racked-up enough experiences to realize the truth of this (I appreciate the full anonymity, not even any “initials” anymore).

Your experiences in Rockaway must have firmed-up your maturation and understanding far earlier than this happened for me.

I was also born in Queens to DP's [Displaced Persons] who barely survived WWII, made it through [major, Northeastern private university], [major, Northeastern private university], worked for ~ 20 years in the pharma industry before the death of one parent, then terminal illness of my other parent, called me back for my necessary duty. There was no job waiting for me when everything was over.

Coming back here, I thought that a scientist with 20 years in the industry would be a shoe-in as a Chem (or any STEM) teacher in the NYC system.

At that time, the BOE was pushing a new tearjerker ad campaign showing a downcast, bored young student, with the caption: “Make a difference in their lives, TEACH: become a NYC Teaching Fellow.”

I applied, and overnight received a time-slot for a full-day interview within a few weeks at Washington Iriving HS near Union Square (this was in 2004).

All applicants for that day's rounds assembled in the auditorium to fill out additional forms.

When I sat down, a large, middle-aged black woman in the next seat looked up from her writing at me, and without saying a work, immediately stepped two seats down: that alerted me to what was likely to follow.

A 20-something mulatto in a full-length dashiki was on stage, giving instructions and answering questions.

We had been asked to put together a 15-minute “teaching topic,” which would be presented to the “class,” consisting of the interview cohort of ~ 12 who moved through each new interview stage during the day.

My lesson was about the “combustion triangle”: the three components necessary to produce a fire: fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source.
Everyone in the room clapped enthusiastically when I was through, one young woman coming up to me and saying: “You explained that so well, I'd really like to take your class!”

There were two round, middle-aged, white women in the back taking notes, completely emotionless, never looking-up, never asking me anything during or after the lesson.

There was only one 1-on-1 interview in the entire day, this with another humorless, blank-faced Puerto Rican DOE functionary.

I mentioned how my experience as a student as Bronx Science sparked an interest in science that led to a career in the field, and that after working in industry for so long, and finding myself back in the city to care for ailing parents, I'd like to offer that same opportunity to the next generation of aspiring students: no reaction.

I wasn't surprised that I never heard from the DOE again, even after I sent inquiries about the interview day, relating the reactions I got from fellow interviewees above, indicating my experience and readiness to work: nothing.

[ On cue, from this recent NYT article, take a close look at the ideal Caucasian candidate that is currently acceptable to the DOE.]

The other option I had that would have been a “walk-in” type job for me as staff scientist at the new Regional FDA Testing Facility just west of the York College campus, on Archer Avenue, roughly the northern border of S. Jamaica.

I applied, and after a six-month wait, got a call TWO DAYS before Christmas: I first didn't attribute any ill-intent to this date, until it later became clear that many employees had already taken off, likely my direct hiring manager as well.

A heavy-set black woman, and South Asian man greeted me: no smile, no handshake, the woman didn't even introduce herself formally until I asked, still not getting her exact position or role with the FDA.

She was clearly an HR “gatekeeper”: if you didn't get past her, you were dead in the water.

The “interview” consisted of this: she read ~ 10 questions from a list of standard interview questions that might be downloaded from some crappy website, not one of which was specific either to my background experience, or the job I thought I was applying for. Not one.

Neither had a copy of my resume. I had extra copies, and asked if they would like a copy: “No, we have your resume on file.”

She asked the guy to “show him around”: we passed through some labs, I caught a few blank stares from some people still there that day, tried asking specific questions about the chemistry going on there, and realized that this person was not a scientist: just some other “HR evaluator.”

We came back to this woman's office, and without looking at me said: “We appreciate your coming in today.”

I asked if there was a possibility that I might have an interview with the actual manager I would be reporting to for this position, what the next step in the process would be, and got some mumbling reply about: “We'll be reviewing things soon.” It was then I finally accepted that the whole thing was nothing but a set-up.

I was eminently qualified for the position, but this wasn't an interview: This woman was required by the FDA to 'check-off' that she had “interviewed” every qualified applicant before the end of the year, hence the last-minute appointment.

Since my name was clearly not black or Hispanic or Asian, they’d had a good idea of who I was.

I sent follow-up letters to this woman, and again never heard anything.

It took me some time to realize that what I should have done - on the spot - was to ask her if this FDA facility complied with all Federal EEOC hiring guidelines, including race and age.

This would have sent her the message that I knew that I was being discriminated against.

Since it was clear - before the end of this “interview” - that I would be offered nothing, if I had been bolder I would have said flat-out that this was not a legitimate interview, that there was no substantive discussion of either my qualifications or the job with any lab manager, and as a result I would likely file a discrimination complaint with the FDA against this facility. But I wasn't quick-enough on my feet back then. Then too dispirited to accept that this type of discrimination is what I could expect in the future.

I believed for most of my life that everyone had an equal shot at a future, based on merit and hard work.

The NYC DOE has hired many hundreds of “bilingual” teachers, one recent ad seen on the subway trumpeting “Pedro, who arrived here only a few years ago, and now teaches children in a dual-language program in Queens.” But they have absolutely no f---ing use for you if you are white and male and straight, and walk with any degree of strength and confidence.

Without your own business, without having gained a spot in a strong trade union in your youth, without the networks that the upper classes have used for years to cement their security in this society, there is not much of a chance for the rest. Thanks for your continued work.

N.S.: Thank you for bearing witness, and for your kind words.


  1. Did Steven Colbert finally go too far?How slanderous and how much leeway does CBS brass give a guy like Colbert,who talked like a lunatic the other night.By not firing him,they are approving of the disrespectful content he attacks Donald Trump with--on a nightly basis.But here,under the guise of protecting John Dickerson,he broke past decency and went into hate speech.
    (FOXNEWS)Talk show host Stephen Colbert is taking serious heat on social media for a vulgar joke he made about President Donald Trump that many fans are calling "homophobic."

    The "Late Show" star sounded off on Trump during his opening monologue Monday night, criticizing Trump for abruptly ending an interview with CBS News' "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson.

    "Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine," Colbert said during his profranity-laced rant, which was bleeped during the telecast. "You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign language gorilla that got hit in the head. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's c--k holster."

    Fans immediately took issue with Colbert's final joke, with some calling the comedian homophobic, and demanding CBS fire him.
    GRA:By the way,he SHOULD be fired.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Breaking news:
    Active shooter at college in Irving, Texas.Police going dorm to dorm.Possibly 2 active shooters,according to Fox.Shots were fired at noon,Dallas time.No reports of injuries yet.

  3. The Irving,Texas shooting is over.Looks like a murder/suicide.

  4. jerry pdx
    They should all be fired, except maybe Kimmel, simply for not being very funny. When I watch the current crop of late night show hosts I'm struck by how very unfunny they all are. Not that there isn't laughs or entertainment, sometimes they can be raucously funny, but it's purely due to the strength of their writing staff who do come up with pretty funny bits and monologues. They can afford to pay for top notch talent to come up with funny material and they do succeed in making these hacks funny at times. Carson had good writers also but his bits were designed more to give him room to improvise, because he could do that very well. Letterman could improvise also and Craig Ferguson built his whole show around his ability to improvise humor out of almost nothing. They are gone now and what we have now are gaudy flashy shows with bands made up of mostly negroes (I thought about writing something called "how black can your band be" in regard to late night talk shows)and dumbed down entertainment designed to bring in the youngest demographic possible. Jimmy Fallon is the worst, every time I see him do his dreadful impersonations I can't imagine anybody over the age of 11 laughing. Colbert won't get fired, he attacked Trump so the LGBTQ..XYZ crowd won't push it enough.

  5. Absolutely correct Jerry.

  6. Chicago style shootout results in cops getting rid of a potential cop killer/black terrorist.This took place in the original ghetto area of Grand Rapids.
    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Grand Rapids police fatally shot a man after they say he fired at officers on the city’s southeast side.

    Family members said late Wednesday evening that 18-year-old Malik Carey died from his injuries after being shot by officers just before 1 p.m. in the 1300 block of Dickinson Street near Kalamazoo Avenue SE.

    Grand Rapids, Dickinson Street, officer-involved shooting
    Grand Rapids police on the scene of an officer-involved shooting on Dickinson Street SE on May 3, 2017.
    Sgt. Terry Dixon with the Grand Rapids Police Department said officers returned fire after the suspect shot at them when officers came upon the suspect’s vehicle. It’s unclear if it was a traffic stop.

    The 18-year-old suspect, who is a probation absconder, was taken to the hospital where he later died as result of his injuries, Dixon said. It’s unclear how many times he was shot or where. Initially police said he was 26, but then later revised his age.

    No officers were injured, GRPD said.

    A weapon was recovered, but it is unclear how many shots were fired.

    Grand Rapids police are not saying yet precisely how many officers open fired, but say Michigan State Police have taken over the investigation.

    Officers who opened fire will be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation which is standard procedure.

    Police are canvassing the area to find any houses that may have been hit by gunfire.

    It appears someone else left the scene, but that person has since been accounted for, police said. Authorities are working to determine why that person fled the scene.

    Carey has a long criminal history dating back before he was a teenager, according to court documents obtained by 24 Hour News 8.

    He had his first criminal charge back in 2010 when he was 12. His juvenile record includes a 2011 charge of receiving and concealing stolen items and a 2013 charge of assault and battery.

    In 2015, Carey was charged with assault with intent to murder and carrying a concealed weapon in connection to an Aug. 4 shooting in Kentwood, court documents show. He later pleaded guilty to assault with intent to do great bodily harm.
    GRA:One for our side.One more insane black terrorist eliminated.
    --GR Anonymous
