Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Different Kind of Mother’s Day Celebration, for Negroes Only : “National Mama’s Bailout Day”! Illegal, Racially Segregated Program Offers Help, but Only to Black Females Charged with Felonies

By Reader-Researcher A.L.


It’s called “National Mama’s Bailout Day.” It’s for black prisoners only.


Comment by one of our expert consultants on race in America, Question Diversity, who doubles as the Countenance Blogmeister:

Balderdash. At least compared to black men, the system is very loath to come down hard on black women. In terms of whether or not to arrest them, whether or not to give them bond, what the bail amount should be, which charges to file in light of what they're suspected of doing, and the disposition of the criminal case against them. In all those areas, BW, (again, relative to BM), have it easier.
A number of expert race consultants at American Renaissance weighed in.


What about those in jail for family issues - like violence, abuse, neglect etc. etc.
"Mama comin' home n' she gonna whip your butt with that electric cord boy!"



Thursday, May 11, 2017 5:14 P.M.

No one — whether they’re a birth mother, an aunt, or a teacher — should have to spend Mother’s Day in a cell just because they can’t afford bail,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change.

What about White mothers “Rashad”??

“Racist” much??

Frank DeScushin

Thursday, May 11, 2017 4:57 P.M.

No one — whether they’re a birth mother, an aunt, or a teacher — should have to spend Mother’s Day in a cell just because they can’t afford bail,” said Rashad Robinson."

If no one should have to spend Mother's Day in jail then why does the program only apply to black mothers?

If a comparable program only applied to white mothers there would be outrage, and my guess is that Rashad Robinson would be among the outraged.

And like many benefit programs that apply only to black people, I bet the majority of donations will come from white people.


Friday, May 12, 2017 4:51 P.M.

I work in the court system in 'community corrections'... Have one who is a constant shoplifter with two kids and three current warrants. Nobody even bothers to arrest her, as she will be out in less time than the paperwork takes. The youngest is 4 months old, and used as a shield. Shes not hiding, simply not worth the trouble to the courts.....
Truly, the inmates run the asylum...

Whenever you hear the phrase, "community corrections," keep Stanley in mind. Ditto for "drug courts."


Friday, May 12, 2017, 8:47 P.M.

I was a parole officer. The majority of women in prison, as opposed to short terms in county jail are mothers who physically abused and murdered their children. The next biggest category of women's crime is fraud. The ratio of black to White women in prison is about 4 to 1.

So this is a Mother's Day party for women who beat their children, sometimes to death.

N.S.: Initially, my title was, “A Different Kind of Mother’s Day Celebration, for Negroes Only: ‘National Mama’s Bailout Day’! Illegal, Racially Segregated Program Offers Help, but Only to Black Female Criminals with Children,” but I then saw that this is not just an illegally, racially segregated program for black criminal mothers, but for black criminal females, with or without children:
“No one — whether they’re a birth mother, an aunt, or a teacher — should have to spend Mother’s Day in a cell just because they can’t afford bail,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color Of Change, in a statement sent to HuffPost. “For the first time ever, we’re sending that message through a national, coordinated day of action, awareness, and kindness, building on our efforts to fuel decarceration.”
Thus, the name is a lie.

Note, too, that so-called restorative justice is no more justice than “social justice” is. They are both the opposite of justice. Their supporters see criminals from affirmative action groups as “victims,” and their victims, as long as they are white, as the real perps. Thus, when the racist activists point out that these women haven’t been convicted of any crimes, that’s just one of their usual dodges. If they thought these women were innocent, they wouldn’t support them.

Finally, why is Lilly Workneh the “author” of this propaganda? If all she did was act as the ventriloquist’s dummy for the Racially Segregated Society for the Protection of Black Female Felons, why didn’t she just publish a press release?

05/10/2017 02:35 p.m. ET

Activists are Bailing Out Incarcerated Black Moms for Mother’s Day
“Our mothers are not disposable. Our mothers deserve restorative justice, healing and reconciliation.”
By Lilly Workneh
Black Voices Senior Editor, HuffPost
Huffington Post

Activists are banding together to help make this Mother’s Day special for as many incarcerated black women across the country as possible.

In the week leading up to the holiday, Black Lives Matter, Color of Change and a dozen other racial and criminal justice [sic] organizations are leading a charge to help bail out black moms. Their collective effort is part of a campaign called National Mama’s Bail Out Day, which aims to provide all incarcerated black women ― including those who identify as queer, trans, young, elder and immigrant ― who are unable to afford bail an opportunity to spend the special day with their families.

“No one — whether they’re a birth mother, an aunt, or a teacher — should have to spend Mother’s Day in a cell just because they can’t afford bail,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color Of Change, in a statement sent to HuffPost. “For the first time ever, we’re sending that message through a national, coordinated day of action, awareness, and kindness, building on our efforts to fuel decarceration.”

“Money bail and the industry that profits from it has long been destroying our communities,” Robinson added, “so this Mother’s Day Black people across the country are going to reunite our families and demand an end to that system.”

[Uh, no. Black criminals have long been destroying your communities.]

Throughout the week, organizations in over a dozen cities ― including Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, New Orleans, New York City and St. Petersburg, Florida ― will work with public defenders, community members, churches and other spiritual institutions to raise money to help bail out black mothers. They will also provide helpful resources to those released and host teach-ins that highlight the impact destructive bail practices can have on black families.

Flyers are being distributed by partnering organizations to raise awareness around the campaign.

“Our corrupt criminal justice system forces innocent people who pose no threat to purchase their freedom,” Ruth Jeannoel, a black mother and community organizer [gangster], says in a video on the campaign’s site. “The costs are devastating. Women oftentimes lose their homes, jobs or even children just to be found innocent. Some women like Sandra Bland have even lost their lives.”

[Liar. Sandra Bland didn’t “lose” her life; she took her own life.]

According to the campaign’s site, more than 700,000 people are incarcerated each day because they cannot afford bail and more than $9 billion is spent on men and women who are behind bars but have not yet been convicted of a crime.

The statistics around incarcerated women are also staggering. The site states that the number of incarcerated women has increased 700 percent since 1980. It also reports that black and transgender women are both disproportionately represented; black women are twice as likely to be put in jail than white women and 1 in 5 transgender women have spent time behind bars.

[If the site is telling the truth—big if!—there is indeed a crisis in the number of black women being incarcerated. Considering that the black crime rate is seven to ten times as high as the white rate, if only twice as many black women as white women are incarcerated, it means that black women are disproportionately under-represented, and the authorities should be incarcerating 3.5-5 times as many black women as is presently the case. As for black “transgender women,” no such people exist. However, there is a tiny category of black males who are sexually insane, and a tiny subcategory within it of sexually insane black males who are criminals. How could one possibly say that sexually insane black male criminals are “over-represented” in jail and prison? For that matter, how could one say that about any subgroup of blacks? Given the racial privileges that blacks enjoy from police, prosecutors, and judges, the very notion of “overincarceration” of blacks is ludicrous.]

“Our mamas don’t deserve this. Our mothers are not disposable. Our mothers deserve restorative justice, healing and reconciliation,” Jeannoel says in the video. “Some of them have made mistakes. Some of them get caught up in the system despite their best efforts. All of them deserve to be home.”

[None of them “made mistakes,” or got “caught up in the system.” They all committed crimes. Those are traditional lies made on behalf of black felons, and the proper response to anyone who mouths them is to assume that anyone he supports is guilty as hell. People like Ruth Jeannoel never consciously support the innocent; if she does support someone unjustly jailed, it is only by accident.

“All of them deserve to be home,” is a bald-faced lie. Some of them are charged with major felonies, and are a danger to the community. A case may be made on behalf of this or that one, but Ruth Jeannoel has zero credibility.]

“When we, black women and black mamas, are taken from our communities, we all suffer.”

Mothers account for around 8 in 10 incarcerated women [So what? Do mothers get free crimes?], and a large number have either never been convicted of a crime or have been accused of minor offenses and are unable to post bail, according to the campaign’s site. [Bald-faced lie. No black woman accused of a minor offense” would be kept in jail for any amount of time, for lack of bail money.] In court systems around the U.S., people arrested even on minor charges are required to pay bail to get out of jail before trial, regardless of whether they are considered a public safety or flight risk. [People arrested for “minor offenses” virtually never go to trial. They are released on their own recognizance. Minor offenses are virtually all misdemeanors, which are pleaded out, without any trial. It is very rare that any non-felony charge goes to trial. Heck, most felony charges today are pleaded out, without trial. This campaign is on behalf of black women charged with felonies.] When defendants can’t afford their freedom, they must either turn to a commercial bail-bondsman ― which typically charges a non-refundable premium of 10 percent of the total bail ― or languish behind bars.

The consequences of being stuck in jail before trial can be brutal. Defendants can lose their jobs or access to benefits or housing. They can fall behind on payments. Or they can simply be cut off from their families. [They’re only cut off from their families, if the latter don’t care about them. Besides, pro-criminal activists typically have phony concepts of “families.” Wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute! Off course, they’re cut off from their families—they’re in jail!] These pitfalls affect all defendants, even if they’re not guilty or they never end up going to trial. Pretrial incarceration has been found to increase the odds of future incarceration.

[My b.s. detector is ringing non-stop! English translation: Felons whose crimes were so bad as to require pretrial incarceration, are more likely to engage in recidivism.]

In many cases, it effectively pressures defendants to plead guilty to get out of jail, even if they didn’t commit the crime.

[They’re peeing on your pants leg, and telling you it’s raining. Unless someone is being offered probation or parole, with no additional jail time, nobody “pleads guilty to get out of jail.” That line was used by the Central Park Five and their civil attorneys, to explain away their confessions. They confessed, because they were guilty as hell, and in some cases their own parents demanded they tell the truth.]

“We must demand and fight for the ending of money bail [for black and brown felons] and destructive policies that keep putting us in cages and separating us from our communities,” says Mary Hooks, the co-director for Southerners on New Ground, an organization partnering with the campaign. “We are the ones who take care of and hold down our families, chosen and biological. When we, black women and black mamas, are taken from our communities, we all suffer.”

[Translation: ‘I support black felons!’ Thus, she holds law-abiding blacks in contempt.]

Nick Wing contributed to this report.


  1. Billionaire Koch brothers are rich,don't live near crime,therefore are liberal on sentencing.
    GRA:This is not a very exciting article to read,but who would have thought that right wingers like the Koch brothers would lean liberal on crime.Why would they,you ask?The same reason Hollywood/politician types espouse letting blacks out of prison--they don't live ANYWHERE near them.
    (Washington Examiner)An organization partially funded by the Koch brothers is criticizing Attorney General Jeff Sessions' memo directing prosecutors to seek the harshest possible penalties for federal crimes.

    "We favor a different approach which requires changing some of the existing federal laws," Freedom Partners Chairman Mark Holden said in a statement Friday afternoon.

    "Fortunately, there are already federal reform bills from last year that have broad bipartisan support that will address this issue. These reforms are consistent with those enacted by many states the past 10 years," he added.

    Communities and law enforcement "are safer when the punishment fits the crime through sentencing reforms," Holden argued, adding that the Department of Justice should be looking at other ways to deal with lower-level offenders.

    "This is also an issue that receives overwhelming public support from across the political spectrum," Holden said. "The states have shown that you can reduce crime rates and reduce incarceration rates at the same time, keep communities safer and families together, while also using taxpayer dollars more effectively."

    The memo issued early Friday by Sessions rolls back policies by the Obama administration that sought to lower prison sentences for lower-level nonviolent drug offenders. The Trump administration has been indicating for the past few weeks that a change to the nation's sentencing and charging laws was imminent.

    The right-leaning Koch brothers have been pushing for criminal justice and police reform for years, and even teamed up with Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union.
    GRA:The ultimate in hypocrisy.Once again,I salute AG Sessions on this announcement.Follow through needed on prisons.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. It used to be the fathers along in the colored community deserted their young. The mothers many of them on drugs do so the same. The grandmothers end up raising the kids to the extent they are able to do so.
