Sunday, April 23, 2017

See What the Political Science Professor Who Invited Charles Murray to Speak at Middlebury College Had to Say About the Racist Rioters Who Shut Down Murray’s Talk, Wounded Female Professor Allison Stanger, and Terrorized Murray, Rocking His Car

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I posted a three-word response: Shame on you. What are the odds of the thread Nazis posting it?

Note that this is a completely fake apology. He’s apologizing to the people he should be condemning, while ignoring the people to whom he should be apologizing: Allison Stanger, the professor the racist thugs wounded; Charles Murray; and all the people who wished to hear Murray speak.

Postscript, 4:27 a.m.: Murray should sue Middlebury, as should Stanger. Racist professors were the riot, and the assault on Stanger. They must be criminally prosecuted, and they and Middlebury must be sued in civil court, for inciting the riot and the assaults on Allison Stanger and Charles Murray.

An Apology from PoliSci Chair to the Community
Bert Johnson
April 20, 2017
Filed under Opinions

Earlier this year I, as chair of the political science department, offered a symbolic departmental co-sponsorship to the Charles Murray event in the same way that I had done with other events in the past: on my own, without wider consultation. This was a mistake.

Last week, I apologized to my departmental colleagues for this closed decisionmaking process, and I apologize now to the broader Middlebury community. The short amount of time between when the event became public and when it occurred gave all of us scant opportunity to listen to and understand alternative points of view. Most importantly, and to my deep regret, it contributed to a feeling of voicelessness that many already experience on this campus, and it contributed to the very real pain that many people – particularly people of color – have felt as a result of this event.

As we debate what to do next, I look forward to hearing from the college-wide committee on invited speakers that is currently taking shape, as well as from my departmental colleagues and our department’s student advisory committee. I thank all of the members of the college community who have shared their views with me, with the department, and with the college administration over the past few months. I will continue to listen.

Bertram Johnson is an associate professor of political science and chair of the department.

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