Monday, April 03, 2017

Did the Same Black Father Whose Negligence Almost Cost His Child His Life Also Murder Innocent, White Motorist, Jamie Urton? (A Lynching in Cincinnati)

[Previously, on this racist atrocity:

“A Lynching in Cincinnati: Jamie Urton, 44, Murdered for Driving While White; AP and KSN Misrepresent Lynching as ‘Fight’; Did Emmitt Till Die in a ‘Fight’?”; and

“Cincinnati: More on the Lynching of White Motorist Jamie Urton by a Racist, Black Mob.”]


War crime victim Jamie Urton

War crime suspects:

Deonte Baber and

Jamal Killings

By Nicholas Stix
Updated at 8:20 a.m., on Monday, April 3, 2017
Last updated at 8:34 a.m., on Monday, April 3, 2017

Thanks to David in TN, for sending me one of the updates I used for this item.
Anonymous said...

The father is now wanted for murder.

Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 7:36:00 P.M. EDT
When I read that comment a day-and-a-half ago, it didn’t compute. Now, it does.

On March 24, white motorist Jamie Urton was savagely beaten and shot to death by a racist, black mob. A black four-year-old had “darted” into the street, as Urton was coming. He hit the brakes, but couldn’t stop in time.

He stopped his car, to see to the child, but was lynched for his trouble.

[Someone called 911, but no one near the phone is talking to the 1991 operator. Adult at scene, speaking to injured child:] “You're OK, and I took care of dude. I killed him. He dead. He dead. The dude that hit you by the car, he dead. I killed him. I'm serious. He's dead.” [“Police: Father of 4-year-old struck by car also charged in driver’s shooting death,” by WLWT5, Updated: 11:57 P.M. EDT Mar 31, 2017.]
[I would not assume that the above-quoted passage was uncensored. Did the man say “dude,” or “white dude”? Another media outlet, Gannett’s, has him saying, “white dude,” which is much more believable.]

Sometime between the 24th and the 28th, a black couple, who identified themselves as the parents of the injured boy, spoke to reporter Rose-Ann Aragon of WCPO. They told self-serving stories about how they were doing their jobs that were both ridiculous and transparently false.
"The car came from the bottom of my street, going about 45 miles per hour,” Killings said. “I initially stopped the car, you know a lot of kids play on that street -- that's residential, 15-25. I initially stopped him. He slowed down a bit and then swerve around me, hitting my other son. My son wasn't hit in the middle of the street. He was hit on the curb."
First of all, if both parents were there, doing their jobs, the four-year-old would never have been hit, and Jamie Urton would presently be alive and well. When you’re crossing the street with a four-year-old, you hold his hand tightly.

At the time, Killings (what a name!) fabricated a ridiculous story, in anticipation of that issue. He asserted that Urton had driven around him, and swerved, in order to hit the child on the curb, not in the middle of the street, as if Urton were hunting for a black child to slaughter. Killings added that he bore Urton no malice, as if he, Killings, were the soul of charity. "I have no malice in my heart."

If the child had been standing on the curb with a parent, who “was doing [his] job,” then the parent would also have been hit. But the parents came out without a scratch.

Note one flaw in Killings’ perfect story. He said that he and his consort were standing on either side of their son, holding his hands, and that the car then hit their other son on the curb. What kind of imbeciles devoted both parents to one child, while completely ignoring the other one?

If Urton had been such a monster, he would never have stopped his car. Secondly, the crime scene photograph shows that Urton’s car was nowhere near the curb. It was closer to the median.


Jamie Urton didn’t hit anyone on the curb. The four-year-old got hit when he “darted” into traffic… because his parents weren’t doing their job.

The black man, who was identified as Jamal Killings, emphasized “My job as a father.” The unidentified black woman, said the same thing: “As a mother, my priority is my child.”

Yeah, but you had two kids with you that day, and you both only focused on one.

“My job as a father was to get my son face-first off the concrete and take him to see medical attention, and that's what I did.”

No, your job as a father was to keep both of your sons from running into traffic.

That was their cover story for supposedly not having seen who brutally beat and slaughtered Jamie Urton.
"I apologize for your loss. I don't condone violence. I don't teach my kids violence,” Killings said. “That should never have happened … an unfortunate situation, unfortunate event, but I hope we all can learn from this."
Now it seems that Jamal Killings does teach his kids violence, in word and deed, and that instead of tending to his son, was allegedly busy lynching Jamie Urton.

Gannett’s The first 30 seconds of one call are apparently the sound of the child who was struck, crying in the background. No one, not the caller nor any of the speakers, addresses the dispatcher.

911 tape: "‘That white dude in that car. They just blazed him. ... That car that was right there that hit my baby ... They just shot him, (he's) in there dead,’ a male voice says. [The voice would be that of Jamal Killings.]

“A voice tries to reassure the boy who'd been struck by the vehicle, calling him by his name.

“‘He's dead. I killed him. He's dead, so you're good. Your daddy got you, man. You know I love you, don't you? I'm there with you. I love you, baby,’ the man said.”
Jamal Killings is now wanted, along with Deonte Baber, for the murder of Jamie Urton.

Whoever wrote the WLWT story engages in Bizarro World reporting.
A 911 call reveals just how upset the father of the 4-year-old got after his son was hit by a car on Kenton Street.

Caller: You're OK, and I took care of dude. I killed him. He dead. He dead. The dude that hit you by the car, he dead. I killed him. I'm serious. He's dead.
Real world reporting: ‘A man, presumably the injured child’s father, appears to not only confess to the murder to the child, but brags about it!’

(The AP and KSN airbrushed all of the particulars out of this version.)

Because the alleged killer is black, and a negligent father, the media operative (“reporter” or “editor”) twists the English language, logic, and morality into knots.

Nowhere in the updated story David in TN sent me on this lynching, does it state that one of the men wanted for the murder of Jamie Urton, is the same man who told reporters what a great father he was.

One woman reported,
There was a baby running in the road … and I was one of the ones that were telling him to slow down, and the other guy wouldn’t slow down that was in the car, and he was a white male. ... And he’s the one who ran over the child.
Gannett’s published censored, and thus worthless suspect descriptions: “According to CrimeStoppers, suspect Baber is 5-feet 10-inches tall and weighs about 135 pounds. Killings is 6-feet tall and weights [sic] about 150, court documents state.”

Black males. They are both black males.

In spite of this foul, Gannett’s reporting was the most thorough I’ve so far found.

Gannett operatives Cameron Knight , Sarah Brookbank and Bob Strickley also wrote,
Officials said the 4-year-old is expected to survive the injuries from the crash. The parents of the boy who was hit and injured said Thursday he is doing better and recovering, but they declined to talk further.
The parents said…
A witness to Urton’s killing said the unarmed victim was begging for mercy as the gunman shot him over and over, even after his body fell limp.

“He didn’t mean to do it. He was bawling his eyes out, saying he was sorry, begging for mercy, basically, and they shot him,” said the witness, who we are not identifying.

"The guy was reaching in the window beating him up in the window and then eventually the door of the car came open and I heard five gunshots," the witness added.

Several witnesses called 911 and described the violent killing in detail.

Caller: They made the people in the silver car get out of the car. One laid on the street and they had him lay on the street on his hands and knees and then the other one on the other side is the one they shot, I think, because that's where I heard the boom, boom, boom, boom.

"After his arms just dropped and there was no life in him anymore, they shot him again," the witness said.

Crime Stoppers is offering a $2,500 reward for information. Submit a tip at (513) 352-3040 or here.
When I googled under “Jamal Killings,” no report of his being wanted for murder popped up in the early returns. Instead, page after page after page cited Killings, as the authority by which to reverse report the story:
Initial reports indicated the boy was struck in the street, but his father, Jamal Killings, tells WCPO-TV the child was on the curb. Killings says ...
I had to google under “Jamie Urton” + “suspects,” in order to confirm that Killings was being sought as one of the killers. I got a hit on the second entry of the first page.

Are the MSM seeking to suppress this story, is it Google’s mischief, or are they both guilty?

At press time, the father of the year is in the wind, as is Deonte Baber.


  1. This is going to be like the Treyvons/Zimmermann case all over again with the 911 phone call. Analyzed over and over with a thousand or so perspectives and interpretations. This Killings is not longer around now? Where is he? And others are involved? Beating the driver and the occupant too. That occupant the son/daughter of the deceased?

    A crime involving a minor is always considered to be especially egregious.

  2. As of 2:30 pm ET Monday afternoon, there are STILL no arrests. The suspects have been known by name for over a week.

  3. "Secondly, the crime scene photograph shows that Urton’s car was nowhere near the curb. It was closer to the median."

    In the nutshell.

  4. I do avoid black neighborhoods whenever I can, but if I ever have the unfortunate mischance to hit a black child with my car, I'm gonna keep driving. Call 911 from home.
