Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A Story Lester Holt Forgot to Cover on Monday

[Re: “Another Victim Succumbs in San Bernardino—8-Year-Old Jonathan Martinez—but the Media Want You to Know that Black Murderer Cedric Anderson wasn’t Aiming at Martinez, or the Other Child He Shot!”]

Victim Karen Elaine Smith, 53, and her killer

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, April 10, 2017 at 11:15:00 P.M. EDT

I never saw a pic of Cedric (not the Entertainer, but the Murderer) on Negro Nightly News, which you KNOW, if he was white, they'd have plastered on the screen for the entire length of the report.

Instead, Lesta moved off that quickly, to a story on some white guy that the cops are looking for. “Very dangerous,” he warned.

Around here, they sent 10 cop cars to surround a house in the West Side ghetto (Davis and 11th intersection last night), as a woman was reportedly pointing an assault weapon at her guests. A standoff ensued for five hours. Three arrests, no pics or names yet.

This could have been a mass murder (by blacks no doubt, but this time was avoided).


  1. jerry pdx
    There is another disconnect here. How does he just "wound" two kids but not intend to kill any kids? Did the kids fling their bodies in front of his intended victim and get hit? Or is this just another case of typical negro gangster bad aim when they shoot into crowds of people and "unintentionally" strike innocent women and children? I don't buy that he "accidentally" hit two kids at all, he just didn't have good enough aim to finish the job. Some might say: Well, he could have shot more of them! But how do we know what happened? The room may well have cleared by the time he got his 1/2 dozen or so shots off and he decided to off himself before the cops showed and did the job for him.

    This is another case of white and black rules, if the shooter was white then the spin would have been that he attempted to kill children but they courageously survived the maniacs onslaught. Just another case of "make the negro seem less evil" media propaganda.

  2. Tonight,Lesta's showing a white cop jumping on a black jaywalker.Lesta never changes.

  3. The video was shown--and given a full 3 minutes of airtime.A black guy,with cameras rolling,gets into an argument,in the middle of the street with a cop,insults and goads the cop and a takedown follows.
    I'll tell you this.It looked like a setup--so that the other blacks (with cameras ready),could take video to qualify to play that popular negro game,"Black Lottery."
    No doubt in my mind that's what they did...and Lesta played along with them.
    After that Lesta had a report of a black doctor who will be played by Oprah Winfrey.It really IS Negro Nightly News.

  4. Cedric. A name popular for black men.

  5. "How does he just 'wound' two kids but not intend to kill any kids?"

    Correct. In most locales the use of a firearm means you INTENDED TO KILL whether you actually meant to or not. Defined by law.

  6. "A black guy,with cameras rolling,gets into an argument,in the middle of the street with a cop,insults and goads the cop and a takedown follows."

    All the colored man had to do was behave, leave the street, walk on the sidewalk and nothing would have happened.
