Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Bomb Threats Get Called in to Jewish Community Centers All over the Country, and Jewish Cemeteries are Repeatedly Vandalized in the Chocolate Cities of Philadelphia and St. Louis, so Naturally the Media Condemn… Donald Trump!

By Nicholas Stix

The other day, CNN activist Sunlen Serfaty did an extended rant that didn’t even feign to be a news report. It used the bomb threat calls to Jewish community centers nationwide as a pretext to condemn President Trump for waiting too long to condemn “anti-Semitism.”

How could Trump possibly be condemned? Oh, because the MSM have been lying for a year or so, in asserting that his closest advisors, particularly Steve Bannon, and voters are Nazis. Thus, he must constantly “disavow” and “condemn” them, until he has no more supporters, and can be run out of office.

I was shocked because I had found Sunlen Serfaty quite cute, and had never before seen her act like Don Lemon. I guess it was her turn.

I assumed and still do, that most or all of the bomb threat phone calls were hoaxes staged by Jews, because most “hate crimes” in this country, particularly on campus, are hoaxes staged by the “victims.”

But Colin Flaherty makes an observation in a new video that hadn’t occurred to me. The massive vandalism of Jewish cemeteries has been occurring in black areas. The notion that “neo-Nazis,” rather than blacks are committing the vandalism is ludicrous. Thus, what we have here is the racist MSM cutting and pasting together one of their trademark, ransom note hate crime hoaxes!

Begin video at 4:40.


1 comment:

  1. "The massive vandalism of Jewish cemeteries has been occurring in black areas. The notion that 'neo-Nazis,' rather than blacks are committing the vandalism is ludicrous."

    Correct. Whitey cannot go into a black area without placing themselves in great danger. Normally whitey knows about such places and avoids them.

    Blacks by and large hate Jews. Blacks are very hateful persons.
