Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscar Chaos: Host Jimmy Kimmel Desperately Sought to Bait the President; Presentation was an Affirmative Action Convention; and Does Anyone Know for Sure Which Picture Won?

By Nicholas Stix

I am proud to say that for the third year in a row, I did not watch a single minute of the Oscars, neither the pre-game, “black carpet” show, nor the game itself.

For many years, watching the Oscars was practically a religious ritual for me, but that was before the Motion Picture Academy gave up all pretense of giving awards based on artistic excellence.

But other people did watch.

At Bizpac Review, Michael Dorstewitz writes of white host Jimmy Kimmel’s failed campaign to bait the President, who ignored him.

At around 11:30 p.m., I checked Google, and found that La La Land had won for Best Picture. But when I got up at 7:10 this morning, I learned that the black film, Moonlight, had won. The momentary official story is that someone had sent someone out to presenters Fay Dunaway and Warren Beatty with the “wrong envelope.”

My understanding, based on watching 50 or so Oscar broadcasts, was that such a fubar foul-up was an impossibility. Oh, well, the black picture won, so one had better not get too scruty, or they’ll call you a you-know-what!

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    Imagine the outrage and hoopla if they accidentally named Moonlight the winner and subsequently awarded La La Land the trophy. If this was some kind of mix up there should have been a 50 50 chance of that happening. Good thing for the Academy that the mix up happened in favor of Moonlight. Coincidence? Pure luck? Unless, of course, it was staged in order to....What???? I really don't know why they would have done it, maybe they thought they were making some kind of statement, god knows what it could have been. It just all came off to me as staged and smarmy.
