Second note:The disparity(fraud) in polling continues long after the election.CBS announced on today's "news",that Donald Trump's approval rating was 40%.Rasmussen,which had the election correctly called,has his approval rating at 53%.Same old Stuff.No difference. A funny thing occurred on the Colored Broadcasting Systems news tonight.They sent a reporter to a small Wisconsin towns best restaurant and asked about...THEMSELVES! "Do you believe CBS is capable of broadcasting fake news?" "I hope not,"said the customer. MY answer?Every damn night.Call it fake news,propaganda,slanted,argumentative,liberal coated accusations.Same at NBC. What's worse is the Colbert/Meyers crap shows I've bitched about frequently. But Scott Pelley has ratcheted up from subtle disagreement with Trump,to daily obnoxious accusations of the President,having no facts,or outright lying.Yet,they report fake poll numbers,probably loaded with Democrats being surveyed. Liars. --GR Anonymous
Good,now let's get the minorities in line.
ReplyDeleteSecond note:The disparity(fraud) in polling continues long after the election.CBS announced on today's "news",that Donald Trump's approval rating was 40%.Rasmussen,which had the election correctly called,has his approval rating at 53%.Same old Stuff.No difference.
A funny thing occurred on the Colored Broadcasting Systems news tonight.They sent a reporter to a small Wisconsin towns best restaurant and asked about...THEMSELVES!
"Do you believe CBS is capable of broadcasting fake news?"
"I hope not,"said the customer.
MY answer?Every damn night.Call it fake news,propaganda,slanted,argumentative,liberal coated accusations.Same at NBC.
What's worse is the Colbert/Meyers crap shows I've bitched about frequently.
But Scott Pelley has ratcheted up from subtle disagreement with Trump,to daily obnoxious accusations of the President,having no facts,or outright lying.Yet,they report fake poll numbers,probably loaded with Democrats being surveyed.
--GR Anonymous