Monday, January 30, 2017

Quebec City: Six Dead, Eight Wounded, in Moslem-on-Moslem Violence; Trudeau: “Terrorist attack on Muslims” (by Whom?); Two Arrested, but Police Refuse to Identify them (so, You Know They’re Moslems!); Shocked Moslem Worshiper Asked, "Why is this happening here?”

Reader-Researcher RC

Two arrested in Quebec mosque shooting -police

Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque's president told reporters on Sunday.

New headline: “Canadian PM says mosque shooting a ‘terrorist attack on Muslims.’”


  1. Could be Shia versus Sunni. Hate one another just terribly so. Or could be a mosque that will not heel to the extremists. Whatever an Islamic moderate and extremist is.

    And Nicholas is right. When he says it is Muslim versus Muslim that is certain as the media does not release the names if the perpetrators. If it was whitey doing the bad the names would be released instantly.

  2. Trump should quarantine Canada.

  3. The terror suspects were identified as Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette, the CBC reported. The two men were arrested soon after the shooting at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night and were expected to appear in court later Monday, police told reporters.

    One of the gunmen actually turned himself in, calling 911 less than 20 minutes later and giving officers his location in d'Orleans so they could arrest him, police said. The attack unfolded in the men's section of the mosque.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the attack, calling it a “terrorist attack on Muslims.”(GRA:By Canadian Muslims ON Muslims.Like I said,they can't even get along with each other).

  4. Yup, this one was buried FAST!! Don't even hear about it today, not even 24 hours later. "Nothing to see here... move along"
