Monday, January 09, 2017

Massive Manhunt in and Around Orlando: Black Markeith Loyd, 41, Sought by Police for Allegedly Murdering His Black Ex-Girlfriend, Sade Dixon, 24, is Now Also Sought for Allegedly Murdering Black Female, Police Master Sgt. Debra Clayton (Updated)


Murder victim, Master Sgt. Debra Clayton, in uniform. Sgt. Clayton had served for 17 years. She was identified by the Orlando PD as a wife and mother.

Debra Clayton, on her wedding day; she left behind her husband and at least one child

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

Orlando Police Sergeant Killed in Line of Duty; Manhunt Underway for Suspect

A man wanted for allegedly killing a pregnant woman gunned down a veteran police sergeant in Orlando this morning as she tried to stop him from fleeing, officials said.

Master Sgt. Debra Clayton, a wife and mother, was on duty by herself around 7 a.m. near a Walmart, when a citizen approached her about the suspect, Markeith Loyd, 41, and said he was nearby, the Orlando police said.

Clayton found Loyd and then chased him. When Clayton told him to stop running, he opened fire, police said. Clayton, who was wearing body armor, was shot multiple times, police said, and later died.

Afterwards, he fled and allegedly stole a car before being last seen at an apartment complex.

Authorities said Loyd is known to officers and is considered dangerous.


GRA: The story is the thug killed his pregnant girlfriend. I have not been able to determine if she was white or not. From the looks of this guy, I find it difficult to believe ANY white woman would become involved with him, but who knows nowadays.

Monday, January 9, 2017 at 6:15:00 P.M. EST


Murder victim Sade Dixon was a mother of two children, 5 and 7, respectively, and was three months pregnant. No word on whether Loyd was the father of any of the children, including the unborn one.

GRA Update:

A quick check showed the deceased pregnant woman to be Sade Dixon, a black woman and EX-girlfriend of Markeith Loyd. Loyd had 20 criminal arrests in his 41 years. He's not dead yet, but police I'm sure are working on it... [chcuckle].

Amazing the blacks can't even spell Lloyd correctly.

Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7:03:00 P.M. EST

[Postscript, Monday, 11:44 p.m., N.S.: They think that being illiterate is something to be proud of—not speaking or writing white English. Back in the 1990s, when I wrote one exposé after another on so-called Ebonics, a tenured black supremacist named Keith Gilyard asserted in Rhetoric and Composition as Intellectual Work, that I am “a steadfast opponent of language rights for African Americans.”

That’s another way of saying that I called for teaching black kids proper English. Black “language rights” means that blacks are under no obligation to speak or write Standard English, including in the classroom, or in their school work.]


Mug shot of suspect in two murders, Markeith Loyd


  1. This guy needs to be caught, given the death penalty and executed.

  2. Look at all the arrests. This is a habitual bad guy. The type the death penalty was meant for.

  3. I have found through personal experience that black cops are criminals behind the badge instead of in front of the badge. I sneer every time I see a black in a law enforcement uniform and I actually laugh out loud when I see a fat black female in a cop's outfit.

  4. jerry pdx

    You wrote: "They think that being illiterate is something to be proud of—not speaking or writing white English".

    To quote Chris Rock: "Niggers love not knowing shit" "Niggers love keepin' it real....Real dumb"

    Gotta love Chris Rock, he's one of the few black people in the US that speaks the truth.

  5. Funny as hell.What some nigs will say to ingratiate themselves with a white audience.I can only conclude 2 things.
    1)He doesn'think he's a dumb nig*er.
    2)He doesn't KNOW that he's a dumb nig*er.
    Or both.
    Now one thing is true.He's wealthy.But that doesn't necessarily result from smarts.Look at Richard Pryor--the dumbest nig*er of all time.Money to burn--literally (and himself).
    But comics play to certain audiences,and Chris Rock(at THAT time)veered toward whitey.If you remember last years Oscars,he went AGAINST whitey.
    Must be he has enough
    --GR Anonymous

  6. jerry pdx
    I was disappointed in Chris Rock at the Oscars, though he did also satirize black America's persecution complex. That's the thing about blacks, there are some that do say things, like Charles Barkley or Bill Cosby, that at times, are somewhat rational but at some point they feel the need to announce to black America (and whitey) that they're still down with the brotha.

  7. Third arrest made in search for Markeith Loyd, suspected Orlando cop killer
    Loyd's neice, Lakensha Smith-Loyd, 27, was taken into custody on Wednesday afternoon. On Tuesday evening, Loyd's employer, Zarghee Mayan, 33, was arrested. They both face the same charges as Slaughter, as it relates to the fatal shooting of Dixon on December 13.
    To juxtapose how blacks "think"-compared to whites-here in Grand Rapids,someone did a hit and run with a snowplow on a young girl--killing her as she walked on the side of a road.
    Surveillance video caught the woman walking and minutes later the red truck/snowplow tearing down the road.Police asked for tips.There were 300 tips given and the white guy was arrested today.
    The whites saw a horrific crime and felt it was incumbant on them to give information on the truck so that justice could be served.
    Would blacks have done that?See above via the Markeith Loyd story for the answer(and just about any other black crime as well).
    --GR Anonymous
