Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rally of Foreign Criminals in Chicago to Trump: We're Here to Stay!


Most of the haters in the audience don't even know what "No to hate" means

By Reader-Researcher RC

Chicago immigration rally has message for Trump: We're ...

Hundreds rally on Chicago's Near West Side to protest hard-line immigration stances of President-elect Donald Trump six days before his inauguration....

N.S.: Trump has no hard-line immigration "stances" [sic]. He has implied that he'll amnesty all foreign criminals who are not guilty of heinous, violent crimes. But cowards love to pretend that they are heroes.


  1. jerry pdx
    At least one nation in Africa has had enough of illegal Chinese immigrants. Ghana is expelling 1,000's of Chinese men who don't have "papers". I wonder if anyone is agitating for them, after all, they're just looking for a "better life". One has to wonder just how difficult life must be in China that Ghana seems like a golden opportunity. Of course, we're supposed to feel guilty for expelling illegal African immigrants.

  2. This isn't the Mexicans country.It isn't the Muslims homeland and it definitely is not anything the blacks can say they contributed to,in even a minor way,except for the last 60 years --a lot of violence and trouble.I understand they all want to live off what whites have built up,and with Democratic help,drain the resources and assets of the US.If Trump lasts four years,he must reverse what's been occurring with non-whites these last 6 decades..We all know what these things are.It won't be easy and he has my sympathy.He'll have to grow lizard-thick skin and stay with the goals,no matter how many times the Lewis's and Sharptons stage rallies.IT must be done or the United States dies a slow death.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. When illegal immigrants who work for NYC Civil Service are terminated, then I will be a believer. Give those jobs to White Americans.

    Many Bengali's, Indians, Pakistanis work for NYC HRA, why? Why aren't more American citizens employed at NYC Civil Service jobs? Why are these jobs dominated by hostile anti American people from the Caribbean. If live is so wonderful in the Caribbean, whey are they all here?

  4. That woman holding the sign probably cannot read period or cannot at a minimum read English. You could put any sign in her hand and she would hold it up.


    These are Chinese and Indian illegals. And ripping the place to bits with illegal gold mining. Sounds like the illegals in the USA and their dope plantations.

    Break one law, break two laws, might as well break all laws.

  6. "We're here to stay". Yep! Just like the Dark Ages or during the fall of Rome when the barbarian tribes moved from place to place and just took over. Yep.

  7. Those villains the La Raza agitators would tell you even the criminal illegal aliens that have spent time in prison ought to be allowed to stay without any consequence. Even ONE being sent back is ONE too many for "The Race".

  8. NYC civil service comment is correct.Immigrants,fix your own country.Don't come over here and ruin this one.Of course we know what happens when one foreigner comes over and gets a decent job...about 10 of his relatives come over and get on the Federal Moneysucking program.They all plow into one dwelling and start the slum-go-round.The blacks do it,the Vietnamese do it(though they are much preferred to blacks of course).
    Trump is talking some big talk against the CIA,Rep Lewis and Merkle.He's doing some heroic things early.I'm impressed and ready to see how this plays out.
    Kudos so far.
