Saturday, December 17, 2016

Obama Gets Everybody’s Story Straight (Poster)

1 comment:

  1. Well if the FBI (who wouldn't charge HRC in the first place),CIA (I don't know what THEY'RE up to)and Obama(we KNOW what HE'S up to) all must be true then--and its the patriotic duty of the Electoral College to overthrow the election results and install HRC as our queen/dictator.
    Sorry Mr Trump,but if normal election protocol were followed--and this information was not divulged about HRC--we never would have known about the cynical thoughts and strategies of the Dems.We therefore would have voted for Hillary at a 90% rate--in our ignorance.
    The failure of the truth to NOT be suppressed--cannot be tolerated.When facts about candidates are released without their approval and which leads to their loss,they must arguably be compensated with the office they were seeking.
    Recounts were deemed a poor solution(as the vote totals weren't close enough to matter).
    So in lieu of a legal sane solution,a mostly illegal,totally INSANE solution is required.
    Electors must drop Trump,throw it to the House and let the Republicans vote Hillary in.
    We'll all feel better for it.
    --GR Anonymous
