Friday, November 11, 2016

They All Laughed! Video Compilation of Leftists Mocking the Candidacy of Donald Trump, and Saying, ‘Bring it on!’

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

In the Halls of the Trumpen President


Published on Nov 10, 2016 by Bconn Trump.

Trump will never be president, right?

Made by /u/rationalcomment


  1. Bravo.Not all my "favorites" were in there...but a fair representation.Liked it a lot.

  2. 'Drain the Swamp'? Trump's Potential Cabinet Fills Out With Washington Insiders
    But despite Donald Trump's campaign pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington and his outsider campaign, many of the prospects are clear Washington insiders.

    Sources tell NBC News that Texas Rep. Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, is being considered for Secretary of Homeland Security; former Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers, a past chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is on the list for Director of the CIA; while Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the Financial Services Committee, is in the mix for Treasury Secretary.
    GRA:Katy"the Witch" Tur always does her reports like this.Sarcasm abounds.Still,in this situation,I also wondered how Trump could "drain the swamp".Trying to find competent,honest people who haven't been slithering around Washington for years,was one of my questions all along.My hope was that a non-politician could find candidates for Cabinet positions,that DIDN'T have a lifetime of political poison,running through their bloodstreams.
    I don't know if Giuliani or Gingrich--or any of these others-are honest or not.But aren't there brilliant younger minds,who haven't been exposed to the "swamp",that IS Washington?
    That would be a huuge step forward in the fight to destroy the corruption,that we voted Trump in to do.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Ha ha, all you smug, snarky bastards! Who's laughing now?
