Monday, October 31, 2016

Weather Forecast Predicts Lots of News Thunder and Lightning, as the Evil Media Storms, in Fighting Back Against FBI Director James Comey’s Friday Revelations About the Bureau’s Renewed Investigation of MSM’s Leader, Hillary Clinton

[Re: “Video of Democrat Pollster Doug Schoen, Responding to FBI’s New Investigation of Hillary Clinton: ‘As of today, I am not a supporter of the Secretary of State.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

I've seen Doug Schoen many times on Fox, and most of the time he's given fairly objective analysis of the presidential race.

This is the first regular news day after the Friday dynamic explosion of Comey pursuing evidence in the Hillary Clinton email case.

What I've seen is as obvious as the nose on Bill Clinton's face: MSM has their orders from Clinton headquarters—attack Trump on ANYTHING. So far, it’s Trump charity donations and Elijah Cummings accusing Trump of being partnered with/under the control of Russia. It is being pushed by Christine Welker on MSNBC, and she had a guest to back the Russian theme, after which she said, "Thank you SO MUCH," while her fat face glowed.

This is going to be a huge day of pushback by Lester Holt, Don Lemon and the rest. Before Friday, the media seemed to be letting up—assuming the race was over—but now the reaction is like someone has stepped on the collective tail of this group of propagandists—and they are PIS*ED.

LATE WORD: Classified emails have been found on Weiner’s computer.

Monday, October 31, 2016 at 11:03:00 A.M. EDT


  1. That number of e-mails on the Weiner computer at over 600,000.

    And classified stuff too. And Anthony sexting with underage girls?

    Or girls perhaps he thought.

    I often found it strange that Huma and Anthony were married. A Muslim and a Jew. Was it a Hollywood lavender marriage?

  2. FBI knew about this shit a month ago. The wife of the man in charge is beholden to the Clinton Foundation. It gets worse and worse.

    Kass in the Chicago Tribune yesterday said Hillary should drop out to prevent a Constitutional Crisis. I am afraid he is right.

  3. True to form,Negro Nightly News had a CrookedHillary/NBC News poll differance!!!! (French pronunciation)Hillary still trouncing Trump.
    And Lesta Holt smiled.
    Then a 5 minute story about Harry Reid and other Dems saying the FBI has been investigating Trump and Paul Manifort for "their connection to the Russian mafia."
    Passing coverage of Trump in Grand Rapids today--saying "Thank you Huma."As usual,the ratio of Clinton positives vs Trump positives were 5 to 1.
    --GR Anonymous
