Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Last Debate is a Stalemate, but DNC Stooge Jake Tapper Says Trump Lacks “Temperament” to be President

By Nicholas Stix

1 comment:

  1. I'm as anti-Hillary Clinton a person can be.But Clinton had her spiel down like a well practiced stand up comedian.She knew her material and was unflappable.I'm extremely disappointed,but understand the fact that Trump is not a professional pol.I texted with a buddy,who is a huge Trump fan--he said he was switching to the Cubs.His dad said"It was over."
    Just being honest.Yet I see others,on,where it's all about how the debate would affect stocks and gold--and the majority of bloggers on there--said Trump won.
    Of course she lies,but she's a smooth liar.
    --GR Anonymous
