Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Simplest, Most Elegant Refutation of “White Privilege” Sophistry in Particular, and Multiculturalism, in Toto

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

Retired physicist Paul Nachman wrote this as a letter to the editor of the Duluth News-Tribune in 2012. It was never published.

“White Privilege”: One of The Stupidest Ideas of Our Time
By Paul Nachman
July 8, 2016

There’s a contradiction at the core of the Un-Fair campaign’s condemnation of “white privilege” in Duluth: The city was settled and built by a population that, over the generations, was overwhelmingly white. So naturally, it suits them—they built it for themselves.

Is such a white society less suitable for people of other races? It may well be. After all, for decades white communities have been hectored to welcome “diversity” and reap all its benefits. But if racial diversity is to yield benefits, people of different races must be, on average, systematically different. And those systematic differences must be in temperament, intelligence, and/or physical capabilities, not just in the trivial category of skin color. Else how could diversity make a difference, either beneficial or detrimental?

Further, such systematic differences would likely imply that non-whites don’t fit in perfectly to a society established by whites. So if those familiar claims about diversity are well founded, then complaining that white people unconsciously enjoy “unearned privilege” simply amounts to excoriating whites for being themselves and living their lives. (Similarly, the Japanese living in Japan could be condemned for possessing “unearned yellow privilege.”)

Thus there’s another contradiction here: Why would non-whites, presumably aiming to improve their circumstances by moving to a community created by whites, then complain about their new environs? Instead, they should rejuvenate a seemingly-forgotten tradition from America’s not-so-distant past: Assimilate!

N.S.: Nachman writes,
Editorial-page editor Chuck Frederick [cfrederick@duluthnews.com] promptly replied, and part of his explanation was that “After closer analysis, we were concerned by several statements in the letter that could potentially be perceived as offensive.”

Nachman believes that Frederick was being a wimp. I used to think that, but no longer do. My take is that people who talk like Frederick are actually rabid but duplicitous multiculturalists, who use the claim that someone might be “offended” as a dodge, to hide their own biases behind feigned concern for (certain) others. However, they have no fear of offending normal, patriotic whites. So, they are cowards, but a different kind of coward.


  1. I have always compared the term,"white privilege" to seniority in a workplace.We(white people)were here in America first,formed a government, built the country,defended it (and the world)numerous times and made it a great country.
    In a workplace,(for instance, my workplace)that I started at years ago,you begin at the bottom.You get lousy days off,the worst jobs and not much respect from the higher seniority people.You have to prove yourself through hard work,showing up on a regular basis and putting up with some jabs and insults along the way.Eventually,you become accepted--if you do things the right way.
    To me,the comparison between so called "white privilege" and seniority in a workplace,is valid.You can't expect to be given the world on a silver platter,in either case,without proving yourself first.Whites have seniority--and blacks have not put the effort in to advance their cause OR have the right to complain about "white privilege".Their work ethic is not up to whites,their intelligence is not up to ours,and their persistance in trying to prove their equality, is lacking as well.Instead of complaining--which never would have got me anywhere in my early years of working--they have to double and triple their efforts in school and at work to show US they deserve equality in the real world.The law says they are equal...but reality says otherwise.
    So we have "white privilege",I agree.But it's been earned.What blacks want,is a shortcut and unwarranted respect and reward.Until they stop complaining about white people and start taking responsibility for their own lack of work ethic,family indifference and educational shortcomings--they'll only wind up governing themselves in ghetto cities and never achieve true equality with whites.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. P.S.Not that I think blacks can actually achieve any of that.I think the way it is,is the way it will be.The only reason blacks are taking over cities is population growth--which is enough to do so.But economic equality is impossible,with the factors I listed above.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. "Retired physicist Paul Nachman wrote this as a letter to the editor of the Duluth News-Tribune in 2012. It was never published."

    I can understand why this letter was never published. The reasoning is impeccable. That of itself is abhorrent to the left winger.

  4. "The only reason blacks are taking over cities is population growth--"

    Population growth and population decline both. The former the negro, the latter white flight.

  5. “After closer analysis, we were concerned by several statements in the letter that could potentially be perceived as offensive.”

    And of course Chuck is an EXPERT at analysis and determining what is offensive and what is not.

  6. (Similarly, the Japanese living in Japan could be condemned for possessing “unearned yellow privilege.”)

    100 % correct without qualification or reservation.

  7. Excellent point about white flight.That definitely speeds the process up.
