Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Discrete Charms of Hillary Clinton (Graphic)


  1. At least he didn't get hit in the head with a kitchen utensil,like her "husband",Bill did--in an argument.The woman is nuts.You can see it in her eyes,when she's smiling,of all things.Plus that horrible strident voice,which fortunately,gives way to coughing fits.No real sense of humor.All in all,a lousy human being.Send her to the Clinton Foundation for recommendations of doctors to treat her mental/physical problems.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The 1960's counter-culture student activist run amuck. Now a "grown-up".

  3. "At least he didn't get hit in the head with a kitchen utensil, like her 'husband', Bill did--in an argument"

    It is reputed that Jackie when she married to JFK attacked the President so violently that the Secret Service had to restrain her.

  4. Like Jack Nicholson said in "The Witches of Eastwick".."Women,a mistake?Or did he do it to us--ON PURPOSE!!!"
