Thursday, September 15, 2016

Oregon: A White Couple Fatally Runs Over a Black Man, so It Must be a “Hate Crime,” Right? Trust the MSM to Make It One, While Ignoring Countless Black-on-White Hate Crime Murders!

By Jerry PDX

There was a "hate crime" in Oregon, my home state and close to where I live. A black man was run over by a white couple after a fight in the Gresham suburb. He died a few days later. It apparently started with some kind of altercation outside a store and the black man pulled a knife. It's unclear what exactly happened or who started it but the media has already condemned the white guy as a racist. Supposedly he has white supremacist ties, or did sometime in his past. Judging from the details I've read of the white guys past he's truly a piece of work and I don't have a lot of sympathy for him but this case, like all of these cases illustrates the extreme hypocrisy about hate crime in this country.

Interesting that none of the reports claim that the white male made any racist comments, though who knows what might come out. I'm doubtful he did, though. It's the first thing the media jump on. I wouldn't be surprised if witnesses appear out of the woodwork, claiming they heard "something" that sounded like the N-word. Probably doesn't matter, though. It appears that his past connections as a "white supremacist" have him condemned already.

This got me thinking about the last time a black person was murdered by a white one in my city. I do remember a murder in the mid-80's, in which a black man was stabbed to death by a white guy, after he told a friend he wanted to get the blood of a black man on his knife. He was convicted of murder and a bias crime, and I have no argument with that. It's just that I can't think of one other white-on-black murder we've had here, other than that one, and this one that just happened. Maybe there's something I missed, but I doubt it. Those kinds of murders get plenty of coverage, so it's just about impossible not to know they didn't happen.

Then I thought about black-on-white murders, and I could immediately come up with plenty of them. Recently, a white man was beaten to death by a gang of blacks in the downtown area. There was no mention of any possible race bias, nobody went back into their past, to see if they ever made any racist comments, or practiced violence against whites regularly.

Then there was a recent shooting of a white bouncer in a nightclub by a black man.

We had a young black man murder his elderly white grandmother a while back.

There was a mass transit shooting, in which a black man killed a white man...

A white bicyclist was beaten to death by blacks, five or six years ago.

A white girl was murdered by her black boyfriend recently. actually there have been a couple more of those also but they go back a ways.

These all occurred in the past decade or so. There have been other previous ones but I can't clearly remember details, I could probably find out with some research but it's safe so say we've had a fair number of white on black murders over the years. I'm going to guess it happens about once a year or so. I'll say a little less than that just to be conservative, I wouldn't want some self righteous liberal to arrogantly tell me I'm wrong because there aren't quite "one a year".

So over the course of 30 years we've had, I'd estimate, 20-25 black on white murders and 2 white on black murders. This in a region that is only 7% black. For anyone mathematically challenged out there (i.e. anyone black), that is an astronomically higher level of black on white murder than vice versa.

So despite this reality we're going to treated with sanctimonious white liberals and black racists screaming about racism in Portland and how black men are being killed every time they step into the street by all these uber violent white supremacists. Nobody's ever going to pull out the actual statistics about interracial murder and put this incident into perspective.


  1. 1988 - Ken "Death" Mieske puts down Ethiopian invader Mulugeta Seraw on a Portland street.
    2011 - Ken Death dies in prison.

  2. NO mention that the negro pulled a knife on the white man. That would be a mitigating circumstance? Pulling a knife is saying "I intend to kill you" This whitey guy is also an ex-con. That is not mentioned either.

  3. "1988 - Ken 'Death' Mieske puts down Ethiopian invader Mulugeta Seraw on a Portland street."

    This is a famous case. The whitey man stabbed the colored cab driver to death in an argument over a fare. An "argument".

    Also famous because this Ken had heard the racist joke on the Tom Metzger call in racist joke hot line.

    Tom lost a $5 million civil suit because of the joke.

    For those of you interested, the joke was: "Lets to see if Tyrone is still hanging around the school yard. OH LOOK, Tyrone is not hanging around any more. Someone must have cut the rope."

  4. And when whitey men behave badly, they should be punished.

    And when colored men behave badly, they too should be punished.

  5. "Nobody's ever going to pull out the actual statistics about interracial murder and put this incident into perspective."

    Statistics even if available might be "doctored"? Mexican killing a black is often listed as a WHITE killing a BLACK.

  6. And when the negro kills a whitey, it is often a totally unprovoked attack, savage and barbaric is the legal term. Done for sport or fun, with relish.

  7. jerry pdx
    OK, good catch, it did get a lot of publicity but I forgot about the Mulgeta Seraw murder. It does reduce the overwhelming percentage number of black on white murders...very slightly. I will say about the white killers of Mulgeta and Bruce is that they were not good people, they were violent POS's who I hope, for everybody's safety, are locked up for the rest of their lives, I don't care if they are white. However, the killings were not just killing somebody out of the blue, they didn't run up and just stab somebody, or set on fire a person of a different race. Both those murders occurred during a dispute of some kind in which it's unclear who exactly started it, though we all know what race is usually the instigators of racist violence. The blacks may well have been the instigators who just got the wrong end of their own racist violent behavior.

    It's unfortunate but it seems to me that in US society, pretty much the only ones who will stand up to violent racist negro assholes are violent racist white assholes. But the only ones who get called on their racist attitudes are the white ones.
