Thursday, September 29, 2016

Doing the Arson that Americans Won't Do: Hispanic Woman Charged in Wilmington Blaze that Killed Two Firemen

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat

"A 27-year-old woman, who lived in the Wilmington rowhouse where two firefighters were killed and four others injured battling a blaze early Saturday, was arrested and charged Thursday with murder and arson, authorities said."

Doing the arson that Americans won't do.



  1. There are a couple stories that may be of interest in the coming days,but I'm going to wait for more info.Not like NBC News,which throws any half-baked accusations against Trump on air...and treats them as fact.So here are some possible stories NBC Negro Nightly News may resort to:
    Tomorrow,I'm sure...on the fictional news broadcast,"NBC Nightly Anti-Trump News Show",we'll see these stories.
    Katy Tur reporting that during 1995,Donald Trump robbed a hobo of 23 cents.
    "He said he needed the money to start a new business",said the alcoholic hobo of 35 years."Oh,and thanks NBC for the envelope full of money".
    Hallie Jackson has an exclusive that Donald Trump once stepped on an insect--until it was dead.
    "It was premeditated murder",said the fat,Latino eyewitness.
    "...and thanks NBC,for the envelope full of money".
    Andrea Mitchell will tell us that "Hillary Clinton is leading 100% to 0 among Lester Holt,Miguel Almaguer,Gabe Gutierrez,Al Roker,Tamron Hall,Joy Reid,Ron Mott,Rehema Ellis and their families.A key demographic has therefore caused us to declare Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the United States", Mitchell will orgasm,proudly.
    That's the news,the way they see it--at NBC.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Check out the immigration status too.

  3. This woman should be tried with the death penalty in mind.
