Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Greetings to My Readers from Return of Kings!


Return of Kings.

Nicholas Stix


  1. jerry pdx
    Looks like the Danish people are waking up a little, though the title of the article is typical media labeling by putting "racist" out there in the lead. It shouldn't be racist, it should be "realistic".

  2. jerry pdx

    I'd like to resend my "Great White Defendant" list of qualifications:

    1). He must be white
    2). He must not be a black or hispanic
    3). He preferably should come from an upper income family
    4). He must be white
    5). He preferably must have committed some kind of sexual offense. That is preferred because it camouflages the enormous disproportion of non white sexual offenders.
    6). He is preferably pasty white.
    7). He can't be a hideous looking negro.
    8). He must be photogenically white.
    9). He can't be an ugly hispanic.
    10). Above all. He must be white.

    The reason why I'm sending this again is that I went to MSN the other day and was greeted by the face of Brock Turner, the notorious (white) Stanford raping machine. His heinous act has been on heavy media rotation through most of this year now, right after that other monster's story, (white) Owen Labrie petered out. Of course, the majority of school rapists are black men and most of their victims are white girls but there is a glaring double standard in how the stories are covered by the media. Basically, when they find a viable "Great White Defendant" all mainstream media services keep their stories in our faces 24/7 for great lengths of time, all designed to make the face of school rape a "white face". Here are examples of the difference between black rapists and white ones:

    A white U of O student, Brenda Tracy, was gang raped by 3 black basketball players, but the school covered for them and they never served any jail time. Yet, the world is howling about Brock Turner's "light" sentence:

    18 year old black man Jacori Scarborough rapes a 15 year old girl in a school hallway. Thankfully he was actually convicted though I wonder how much time he'll actually serve. Note in the article the jury audience broke out in loud sobs when he was convicted. All the blacks in the audience anyways. Type in his name in google, virtually the only mainstream news service that ran the story was USA today, though I don't know if the story made the newsprint edition. I doubt it. So where is CNN, Turner News, MSN, AOL etc...? They are all there for the Brock Turner and Owen Labrie stories.

    Of course there are many more stories of black rapists we just don't see in headlines, we see the local stories but they just don't get to the national stage, unless it's a Jameis Winston type of athlete, then the story might get some national coverage. Of course, Winston didn't get charged or convicted of anything, yet the howls of outrage that Brock Turner received for his "light" sentence were non existent in Winston's case. Yet another example of racist double standards in our media and society.

    Here's a couple of links to the Labrie and Turner stories. Not that they're needed, we've seen the headlines, you can't avoid them. Just type their names in google and the mainstream headlines come roaring out:

    I'm not making excuses for Labrie or Turner, if they did the deed then they should be punished. I'm just counter the attempt by the media to portray only white men as getting "light" sentences for sexual offenses. Simply not true.

  3. Jerry,any info on who commits the most rapes in the military.The topic was brought up on tonights Trump/Clinton military forum.Rape in the armed forces is widespread,but what race does it the most often?I have MY guess locked probably wouldn't release numbers like that to the public.
    --GR snonymous

  4. Bookmark ROK and visit regularly.

  5. "Of course there are many more stories of black rapists we just don't see in headlines, we see the local stories but they just don't get to the national stage"

    So many of them indeed it is the dog bites man story, not newsworthy.


  6. "I'd like to resend my "Great White Defendant" list of qualifications"

    It helps a lot too if the white guy is accused of an interracial crime. Whitey man killing the innocent negro child is a good one.

  7. "A white U of O student, Brenda Tracy, was gang raped by 3 black basketball players, but the school covered for them and they never served any jail time."

    Alumni need to boycott home games, picket, and stop contributions to the school.

  8. To: GR Anonymous

    I have never found any statistical info on the race of military rapists, however, I when I start looking up military rape I can't help but notice that the perps are almost always black or mixed race groups. Look up Okinawa rapes, almost all of them have been black offenders. I don't think the military will ever release information re the ratio of black rapists in the military, it would be too controversial.

    The entertainment media plays the game of promoting the "Great White Defendant" also, there are two movies about military rape: Casualties of War - the Michael J. Fox Vietnam movie and "Redacted" a movie about a military rape/murder in Iraq. What do these movies have in common? the perps are all white, except perhaps a token hispanic or two. A movie will never be made about military atrocities by black men. I guarantee that.
