Friday, September 16, 2016

Breaking News: Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential Campaign is Exposed as Having Started the “Birther” Movement! Yet Another Clinton/DNC/MSM Hoax Smearing Trump Collapses!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Earlier today, I saw CNN operatives denounce Trump’s claim that Hillary started the “Birther” movement, including invoking fake “non-partisan” fact-checking operations (Politifact, etc.), and Hillary supporter Lynn Sweet, of the Chicago Sun-Times, on Fox News repeatedly ranting and raving that the Birthers” were “racist”! (By the way, Lynn Sweet is listed as having been born in 1961, but she looked like a 70-year-old lady who had once been cute.)

The Fox News hosts were two people I’m unfamiliar with. There was a young white guy, and an attractive, young white female who resembled the young Katie Couric, but who looked to be taller. Although the hosts did not opine, they stacked each segment with Trump-haters, left and right. The alleged Republicans (e.g., Rina Shah, Brian Joyce) sounded the same as the Hillary supporters (Shira Center, Lynn Sweet).

As for Rachel Stoltzfoos, assuming this is her scoop, this is tremendous reporting. My only criticism is that she uses “refute,” when she should be using “deny.”

“The Clinton campaign and the media have consistently refuted [sic] Trump’s claim Clinton started the birther movement, which Trump re-upped Friday when he said for the first [sic] publicly that he believes Obama was born in the United States.”

There are also some very informative readers’ comments at The Daily Caller.

Don’t hold your breath, waiting for Lynn Sweet to call Hillary Clinton a “racist,” or for Sweet and Clinton’s other henchmen, including nominal Republicans, to apologize to Donald Trump.

Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008
By Rachel Stoltzfoos
2:00 P.M. 09/16/2016
The Daily Caller

Hillary Clinton surrogate Sid Blumenthal personally pitched a reporter on the President Obama “birther” story when she was campaigning for president in 2008, a former Washington reporter said Thursday.

The Clinton campaign and the media have consistently refuted [sic] Trump’s claim Clinton started the birther movement, which Trump re-upped Friday when he said for the first [sic] publicly that he believes Obama was born in the United States. “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said, drawing a slew of media fact checks almost immediately. “I finished it.”

But former McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief James Asher has backed up Trump’s version of events, saying he was personally pitched the story by a Clinton surrogate in 2008.

Clinton had tweeted: “President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.”

And McClatchy replied: “@HillaryClinton So why did your man #sidblumenthal spread the #obama birther rumor to me in 2008, asking us to investigate? Remember?”

Blumenthal is a former aide to Clinton’s husband Bill Clinton and their long-time friend.
“#CNN says #Hillary team in 2008 never raised the #birther issue,” he said in another tweet Thursday night. “#SidBlumenthal, long-time #HRC buddy, told me in person #Obama born in #kenya.”

Nevertheless, as soon as Trump reiterated his criticism Clinton started the birther movement, the media started churning out fact checks.

“I covered it at the time,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said Friday, referring to the movement. “She and her campaign never, never started the birther issue.”

“Trump Drops False ‘Birther’ Theory, but Floats a New One: Clinton Started It,” blared a New York Times headline. And The Washington Post fact checker quickly spun up a piece declaring the claim “debunked.”

At one point the MSNBC chyron read: “Trump (falsely) claims Clinton started birther controversy.”

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  1. The first seven minutes of "Negro Nightly News" was reserved to Lesta,Hallie Jackson(in a particularly one sided report)ripping Trump,showing black congresswomen calling Trump a "bigot",while unconditionally calling Trump's claim about Clinton--"a lie".
    Lesta the Lyncher is going to try to do it to Trump in the debate.I have no doubt about it.This is where the true racism and cronyism of Holt will be in full display.He has no shame in his agenda.Oh by the way...another story on the white guy in Ohio...but nothing on a story I heard on WBBM radio today,where a black career felon,shot a 72 year old white retired police chief in a robbery attempt.The chief survived and actually shot the thug--who was arrested.Just saying.
    -GR Anonymous


  2. “Trump Drops False ‘Birther’ Theory, but Floats a New One: Clinton Started It,”

    My understanding has always been the someone in the Democratic camp started the whole mess going in October less than a month before the election. Someone questioned the eligibility of McCain to run and only then did some Republicans respond by questioning whether Obama was eligible to run.

    Forgive those birthers what they are called. The jacket to the SECOND auto-biography of Obama does say he was born in Kenya.
