Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Two Kingpins Responsible for All of Houston’s Crime Named

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The Two Men Responsible for All Crime in Houston
December 5, 2009

…when I went to Rice in Texas in the 1970s, I heard that the Houston cops would say that if they could just arrest a white guy named ‘Wayne’ and a black guy named ‘Charles Williams,’ there would be no more crime in Houston. That was because every white guy they arrested said, ‘No, man, it wasn’t me, it was Wayne,’ and every black guy they arrested said, ‘No, man, it wasn’t me, it was that Charles Williams.’”

Steve Sailer today, at

1 comment:

  1. "intelligence is largely heritable and that environmental factors cannot improve it by much."

    Even within the nurturing sense of the word the character a person will have for the rest of their life will be more or less established by age five or so. Beyond that only minor and perhaps only insignificant changes can be made.
