Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Committing the Felonies Americans Won’t Do, in Plano, Texas: Nigerian Alleged Ring Leader of Credit Card Crime Ring Operation Arrested


Suspect Dayo Anisulowo

By A Texas Reader

Was he committing the felonies that Americans won't?

"Alleged ring leader of credit card crime ring operation arrested

"Police believe a man arrested for stealing packages in Plano is actually the leader of a credit card crime ring operating in North Texas and throughout the country."

At Fox News.


  1. Thanks for publishing this as it happens more than most people know. Here are a couple of oldies (about 2 years ago) but goodies. http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2015/06/fraud_ring_that_turned_ebt_car.html

  2. Nigeria is [?] the most corrupt nation on the planet? And the Nigerian is the biggest scam artist [?] on the planet. Perhaps the Nigerian is exceeded only by the Gypsy?
