Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Chandra Levy was the Victim of a Diversity Triple Play: A Cut-Throat, Illegal Alien, MS-13 Gang-Banger from El Salvador; the Black-Run Washington, DC Police, Replete with Illiterates and Criminals with Guns and Badges; and the Racial Socialist Public Defender’s Service of the District of Columbia (My New VDARE Report is Up!)


Chandra Levy and the convicted, serial attacker of 20-something white women in Rock Creek Park, where Levy was murdered, illegal alien, MS-13 gangbanger, Ingmar Guandique

The Chandra Levy Fiasco: Incompetent Affirmative Action Police Work—and Social Justice Warrior Lawyers
By Nicholas Stix

The ideology of racial socialism, formerly known as “communism,” requires and demands that every link in the chain of criminal justice be broken, while every link in the chain of the rule of crime be unbreakable.

Due to its incorporation of genocidal racism, beginning in vague terms with V.I. Lenin, shortly after the revolution, and more concretely with Leon Trotsky in the 1930s, and the so-called civil rights movement and New Left in the 1950s and ‘60s, Communism has evolved to the point where it now melds the worst aspects of both Communism and National Socialism.

To borrow from federal Judge Kurt Engelhardt, it was liars convicting liars, all over again. Well, in a multicultural society, that’s increasingly what you get. Plus incompetent Affirmative Action police work—and a Politically Correct criminal justice system too easily manipulated by Social Justice Warriors. Bottom line: the man who, I am morally certain, murdered Chandra Levy in 2001 is to be freed.

What was once a slam-dunk case, is apparently now no case at all. Ingmar Guandique’s murder conviction has been thrown out, the planned re-trial has been nixed, and instead of spending most of his life in prison, he has been handed over to immigration authorities, who will deport the illegal alien back to his native El Salvador [ Ingmar Guandique released into custody of immigration officials, by Keith L. Alexander, Washington Post, August 1, 2016).

Maybe. If recent federal history is any indication, and Salvadoran authorities refuse to take Guandique, he will be released back onto our streets….

[Read the whole thing here.]


  1. Right. He will be ruled as a disreputable in his own land not allowed to return.

  2. "Black-Run Washington, DC Police, Replete with Illiterates and Criminals with Guns and Badges; and the Racial Socialist Public Defender’s Service of the District of Columbia"

    Affirmative action hires, set asides, low IQ employees, and homosexuals.

  3. Poor conservative snowflakes. So afraid and paranoid.
