Thursday, July 14, 2016

Royce Mann is Today’s Face of the New White Racism: Well-to-Do, Well-Connected, White 14-Year-Old Delivers Profane, Anti-White Rant in School, and Gets Award and Media Adulation



By Nicholas Stix

His mother Sheri Mann Stewart got the ball rolling, by posting this video of his rant at youtube. (Where is his father in all this?) He reportedly won a poetry contest, but I can’t find any poem. The following racist rant was all I could find.

Royce Mann is only 14, but apparently his well-to-do, well-connected mother has already groomed him to be a racist opportunist, whose life revolves around causing racially-motivated harm to his fellow whites. She is a stage mother, who has groomed him to be a star, and had already uploaded 35 photographs to his page.

Mann has been appearing in short movies since he was about seven, but the media stories don’t mention that, because they want to make him seem like an ordinary white kid, rather than a boy who has been trained form birth to be a racial opportunist and public figure.

Whether Stage Mom’s plan is to use anti-white racism get her younger son into pictures or politics is a question only she can presently answer. She wrote him an IMDB biography worthy of a multiple Oscar-winner.

I worked around such whites in New York, and they’re a plague. They call themselves “allies,” and are always looking to set up less privileged whites for harm, in order to ingratiate themselves with racist blacks and Hispanics, and in order to satisfy their own “humanitarian,” “anti-racist” sadism.

And now, the endgame for such monsters is genocide. The boy may not yet know that, but his mother surely does.

Since he’s only 14, I suppose I should have some compassion for him, but he’d better straighten up soon, or he’ll be just another racist devil.


Where’s the poem? Did Stage Mom upload the wrong video?


    Lester Holt is at it again.Daily reports of a serial killer with this sketch of the suspect.Holt's reports with Miguel Almaguer are painting the (unsubstantianted)theory of a (white)man gunning down blacks in the Phoenix area.I've seen the reports and it's as plain as the Negro nose on Michael Jackson's face (pre-surgery),that Holt or Negro Nightly News,wouldn't be interested in this story if the racial roles were reversed.
    Actually,now that I look at it,the sketch kind of looks like Lester Holt a
    ---GR Anonymous

  2. Of course the Islamic attack in Nice,France is another reminder that Obama/Clinton want to import more potential terrorists here by the sheer probability of numbers of Muslims they want to come in.Trump seems to be suggesting he's going "big" to stop Isis.I take this almost as a threat of a nuclear bomb or massive near nuclear attack.Or a land war with Muslims in the Mideast?Crusades 3 may be closer than we think.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. July 15th,1099...the First Crusade.Jerusalem falls to Christian forces.Connection or coincidence?
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Somebody probably wrote that "poem" for him.

  5. He is the way he is until he gets beaten nearly to death for "looking" at some one the wrong way.

  6. "Lester Holt is at it again.Daily reports of a serial killer with this sketch of the suspect.Holt's reports with Miguel Almaguer are painting the (unsubstantianted)theory of a (white)man gunning down blacks in the Phoenix area.I've seen the reports and it's as plain as the Negro nose on Michael Jackson's face (pre-surgery),that Holt or Negro Nightly News,wouldn't be interested in this story if the racial roles were reversed."

    Probably a Mex gang member [illegal alien too] shooting down negro gang members.
